
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

life's a beach.

We're having a blast in sunny California!

(My dad wants everyone to know that he took this photo...he was pretty proud of his capture.)

Just wanted to pop by and say hello. And here are a few posts to what I've been working on over at Babble and Disney Baby!

>> Stylish Kids: Lola Kids Goods

>> 15 Great Kids Books About Feelings

>> Conflict Avoidance: A Great Relationship Tool

>> 10 Tips For Taking Better Pictures of Wiggly Kids

Hope you all had a great relaxing and fun weekend!



  1. just read the papermama's post and saw you guys stayed at a place through did it go?!

  2. I may be a little biased but California is an excellent vacation destination (and place to live!). I am glad you two are having a great time! One of these days when you visit we will have to meet in person. Judging from your Instagram pictures we aren't too far away :)


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