
Monday, July 15, 2013

barre3 and my postbaby bod.

OK you guys. Today I'm going to get real with you about my post-baby body and let you in on a little fitness challenge I've started!

I've had a really difficult time losing this baby weight. Here's a quick rundown of my journey...

During my pregnancy I gained 55 pounds. Yep. You read that right. And now I'm going to give you real numbers, even though it goes against every fiber of my being. I started my pregnancy at 140 pounds and by the time I gave birth I was 195. That was hard to swallow.

Within the first week I lost 35 pounds, which brought me down to 160 pounds. I basically just hung out there until a few months ago when Craig and I had a friendly little wager (AKA cash bribe). During that time I lost 15 pounds and got down to 145 pounds. I was pretty stoked. My goal weight is 135...really 130, but I would be happy at 135. I have weighed less before, but that is my "happy weight". I was doing well, and then I started getting busy and slacking on my workouts and when I slack on workouts I start letting my healthy eating habits go and it's basically just one big slippery slope and now I've gained back 5 pounds.

I've realized that the main problem was a lack of accountability. I've realized that I'm a structure and schedules kind of girl. I need a set time to go to workout - in particularly focused classes - and I need accountability, but some flexibility.

This is why I've set out on a Barre3 Challenge!

If you haven't heard of Barre3, it's an awesome blend of ballet barre, yoga and pilates that work together to give awesome results and I'm so excited to see the changes in my body!

So, here's the deal: Every week I'm going to share my weekly weigh-in along with all of my measurements. My goal weight is still 135 (I am currently 151.5), so that means that I am hoping to lose around 17 pounds. But, I'm also measuring myself, because I know that the end goal is a fitter version of myself and inches mean more than pounds, so I'm trying not to get too hung up on the numbers.

I can't wait to share what I'm learning through my experience and share more about Barre3 throughout!

Here are my week 1 stats...I think I'll try to wear a tighter shirt next time so I can see my progress more easily.

Date: 7/12/13
Weight: 151.5 
Left arm: 12"
Right arm: 11.75"
Chest: 36"
Waist: 36"
Hip: 37"
Left leg: 20"
Right leg" 19.5"

I realize that my current weight may be some people's goal weight and I'm not trying to make anyone feel like their goals need to be the same as mine. We all feel better at different weights and when our bodies look different ways. This is why I'm not setting out to achieve my college weight of 120's just not realistic for me anymore. This is more about being the healthiest version of myself that I can be and getting to a place where I feel confident and where my body is strong and I'm hoping that Barre3 will help me achieve this.

More details to come next week!

Love and sweat,


{Disclosure: I was not compensated for this post. I have been invited to try out the Barre3 studio. All thoughts and opinions are my own}


  1. Good luck! I am currently in the same boat so I feel ya!

  2. Good luck! You are motivating me to tone up a year after baby, ha! I can't wait to see how the barre3 works out for you!!!!

  3. I recently blogged about my post-baby bod and a fitness challenge I did - so I know how hard it can be to put yourself out there. But, thank you! You have inspired me in a lot of ways, and this post was no different! Good luck on your challenge :)

  4. Good luck! I just had a baby two weeks ago so I know the feeling of starting to lose weight but still having a pooch to carry around. This hopefully will be inspiring enough for me to start working out.

  5. Way to go, Lauren! I can't wait to hear what you think of Barre3 - I've been curious about it, and there's one on my way home from work, which would be so convenient if I ever decide to try it.

  6. Well, first of all you look GORGEOUS now and always, even if you were still 195 pounds. But I'm so proud of you for making the effort to tone up and clean up le diet! Exercise isn't everyone's cup of tea, but when you start doing it frequently and in ways that you enjoy, the results really are unmatched. Plus, I LOVE how good and happy I start feeling when I find my fitness groove. Excited to see how your challenge goes, friend! Hugs, Dana

  7. You are so brave for sharing this! I'm interested to see how the Barre3 workout goes. I've looked at it, but I'm still on the fence. PS - you look amazing right now, can't wait to see you when you reach your goal!

  8. Good luck lady! All these getting in shape posts I've been seeing are inspiring. I need to follow along...

  9. I LOVE barre. I am on a similar weight loss journey..not because of pregnancy but just post-college work related weight gain. I think I walked so much in college in never mattered what I weighed, but now I need to get better habits. About 15 pounds gone in three months...I feel better and stronger every day and barre is fantastic!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I'm almost 6 months post partum and am very close in weight and goals to you. I have to say, you look fantastic! I have been trying to force myself to be a runner, but it just won't take. Working out that feels like work just makes me be lazy because I hate it so much. I look forward to hearing what you think of it. I signed up for a trial Krav Maga class in Milwaukie tonight, I'm excited and nervous. I hate being the new person!

  12. i am totally inspired! i am right there with you - i gained a ton my last baby and he is eight months. no more excuses for me.

  13. Go Lauren! You are gonna rock it!

  14. I have been doing barre3 online and I am RIGHT there with you on starting weight and goal weight! I have started using MyFitnessPal for tracking stuff too.

    So, long story short, I will be your cheerleader if you are mine! :)

  15. Yay so proud of you for putting yourself out there...I know you can do it! You can already tell how much you've slimmed down since you got serious about shedding the baby weight, so I have no doubt you can get to 130 girl! Get it! Like everyone else, I'm excited to see what you thought about Barre3!

  16. I can't wait to see you in class Lauren! You are going to rock this journey.

  17. Thank you for sharing this post, as a mama to two, I know how you feel. I had a fairly easy time losing my baby weight with my first, but with my second it was a much much harder time. In the spring I started doing barre3 workouts at home 4x a week to help burn off my last few pounds. I didn't drop a lot of weight at first, but the inches came off fast. Now I continue to do barre3 3x/week with hiking 2x/week. Barre3 is by far my favorite workout, now if only there was a studio here in Hood River.
    Good luck!

  18. I weighed 193 the day before Eddy was born. So crazy to see that kind of number on the scale.

    You look awesome! You're going to do great!!

  19. Everyone is on a health/fitness kick these days. It's pretty great!

    I've been to one barre class and I really enjoyed it. I should go back and do it again. My husband even said he'd come with me but I'm not sure if he'd like it. It's worth a try.

    I look forward to reading post on this journey of yours. You can do it! You'll be able to reach your goal with dedication and perseverance.


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