
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

what fern wore: getting in touch with her roots.

Little factoid about me: I am half Mexican. My husband always teases me that I'm the whitest Mexican he knows. Also, I don't speak Spanish. I know...cultural #fail.

But I digress. My point was, that me being half Mexican means that Fern is 1/4 Mexican...and even whiter version than me. But, last week while we were at the fair, in between Fern hugging every single animal she encountered (go see the baby + animal pics here), we helped her get in touch with her Hispanic roots. A woman was selling these cute Mexican tops and dresses and I thought they were so fun! My parents got it for her and Fern loved the little tassels and I think it's so cute on her!

Top: Santa Barbara County Fair
Jeans: Gap
Shoes: Saltwater
Hair Clip: Etsy
Bracelet: Santa Barbara County Fair

Love and fiestas,



  1. Oh my gosh, that outfit is darling...I kind of want it my size! xoxo

  2. That hair clip is from etsy? I wore those when I was a little girl like 30 years ago! So cute!

  3. She looks ADORABLE.

    If Iz and I have kids they'll be half Puerto Rican and half... well, mutt lol. So hopefully Izzy and his family can help me teach our kids (if we have any!) about their culture.

  4. Again I say that Fern has a better wardrobe than I do! So cute.

  5. She is too precious


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