
Thursday, June 27, 2013

disney social media moms and girl time.


I feel like every blogger out there is running around a'la Chicken Little telling everyone that the sky is falling (AKA that Google Friend Connect will be no more come July 1st) and that everyone should make sure to follow them via Blog Lovin'.

So here's my Chicken Little-esque announcement. See that little + sign over there below my photo on the right in the mix with all my social media icons? Well that is the magical "follow with Blog Lovin'" button. So there you go. Now you will still get updates on my blog posts here! ...Though to be honest I'm really bad about using Blog Lovin' myself. I really only go directly to the blogs I like...I guess I'm old fashioned like that. I think the best way to stay connected with my posts is via my Facebook Fan Page (I hate saying "fan page". It sounds so self-absorbed) - I'm always sharing updates there!


By the time you are reading this I will already be in Seattle and having fun girl time and hopefully not being too socially awkward in a large group (yeah...sometimes that happens).

I will be attending Disney Social Media Moms On-The-Road and one of the stops on said road is Seattle...just a three hour jaunt from my fair city of Portland.

And, so we go.

I've actually never been to any type of blogging conference, so this will be a first and I'm excited. Excited to mingle...OK...half excited...half terrified due to the aforementioned social awkwardness. I don't know what it is about mingling, but I am definitely not a pro and my face always hurts at the end from all the fake smiling*. Also, I don't even have business cards. Suckiest blogger ever. C'est la vie.

(*If you are someone I met at a blogging function, then know that the smiles I gave you were legit. I was only faking it for those other bloggers.)

But, aside from that I'm excited to hang out with Chelsey (The Paper Mama) - road tripping and rooming it up together! It will be the furthest I've ever driven myself. I've driven in a car much further, but never been the driver for quite that long, since I mostly hate driving (I like taking in the scenery) and Craig hates being a passenger, so it works out.

Basically I'm going to be a big kid driver at the end of this trip. Go me.

If you wanna follow along with our Seattle/Disney SMM adventure, make sure you're following me on Instagram and Twitter

Love and Road trips,



  1. It was so so good to finally connect today. Next time you come to Seattle you need to bring the whole fam and we will go adventure. XO

  2. I was so sad to miss this while on vacation. I hope you and Chelsey had fun. Love her!

  3. Thanks for sharing!


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