
Sunday, June 30, 2013

instagram video hater.

By now you all know that Instagram got revamped and now gives users the option of uploading videos in addition to photos. (If you dont, then dude: come out from under that rock!).

Everyone seems to be freaking out over it and users are jumping off the Vine ship Titanic style.

But, the thing is...I kind of hate the Instagram videos.

I uploaded a couple of videos to my Instagram when the news broke to give it a fair shake, but quickly decided that it's just not my cup of tea.

Call me obsessive compulsive, but I seriously can't stand seeing the little video play symbol on top of the photos on my profile's just not aesthetically pleasing and I feel like it breaks up the entire look and bugs me immensely.

Also, I don't like mixing the two very different types of viewing experiences. When I want to look at photos I go to Instagram. It's great for killing time while you're somewhere quiet and I don't want randomly interspersed videos suddenly playing. I love that I can go to Vine when I'm in a video mood and scroll through and watch them freely. It's actually become a post-nap ritual for Fern and I...almost every day after her nap we snuggle on the couch and watch Vine clips for 10 minutes. She loves it.

I will say that the Instagram video does seem to be a bit better in quality (barring the stupid video filters) and I like that they give you a longer to record, but other than that, I just don't really see myself using it much.

Am I the only weird one who feels this way?

Discuss! I'm curious to hear your take.

Love and Technology,



  1. I like vine better but I end up using Instagram more just because I have more friends on there and because of the longer length you can do. I also wish Instagram would have a feed for videos and a feed for photos so that you could have the option to not have videos start randomly. But, I'm still using both.

  2. I'm not a fan of video uploading in general. I tried uploading a vid of me painting over the weekend and Instagram crapped out on me numerous times as I tried to post it. I'm definitely over it. I'm obviously meant to be more of a photographer than a videographer.

    1. Interesting.. that has happened to me several times while on Vine, but not on Instagram yet. If it happened on Instagram for me then I'd just give up. It isn't quite worth it for me.

  3. I completely understand and I do agree. But I feel like Vine had too many viewers/posters and not enough rules about PG content. I guess Instagram doesn't either but I haven't seen any disturbing or nasty videos yet. However I personally dropped my vine and might just be using my video camera.

  4. You know you can change your settings in instagram so the videos dont auto play... That saved me from going crazy w frustration over the vids just instantly starting. So now i like the videos :)

  5. Hmm, I never used Vine, but I've actually done a couple of videos on Instagram. But yes, it does startle me when suddenly a video comes to life!

  6. I wanted to love Vine so much. But, too many lost videos and videos shot and not able to upload made me never want to try again. After changing my Instagram settings to no auto play I love the instagram video option. I also like that people can choose the frame they want to share... as people get used to it they will be posting more Instagram worthy images that also turn into fun videos. And, I really like the additional time. We'll see where it goes!

  7. NOT a fan of instgram video. I much prefer Vine. I've also felt like my instgram feed has slowed waaaay down since introducing the video feature.

  8. I started using Vine a few weeks before Instagram released the video option. I like Vine but I only have two friends who are on it and I find it's difficult to find others because it doesn't link to Facebook. Instagram is less work at this point.
    I will say, I love that Vine videos automatically loop so I don't have to keep pushing the play button when my 15 mos daughter is watching!

  9. YES AMEN. Vine is soo so so so so much better than the stupid IG video. Blah.

  10. I haven't taken any IG videos yet because I just don't like the mixed media on one app. BUT I have to say that I never got into Vine because of their poor security features. Basically, I will stick to pictures - ha!


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