
Friday, January 18, 2013

on awesome art and the pinterest wormhole.

If you've spent any amount of time at all on Pinterest, you know what a vast wormhole of "stuff it can be.

You go on there to find a chicken recipe and then you find one and notice that the plate it's served on is really cute, so then you start looking at tableware. When you start looking at tableware, you start noticing dining room decor, so you peruse rooms for inspiration, and on, and on, and on...until the next thing you know, it's three hours later and you're asking your husband if he'd be willing to relocate to Cape Cod so you can live out your lifelong dream (AKA, the dream you just realized through all of your pinning 20 minutes ago) of living on the beach in a bungalow and hosting lovely dinner parties where you serve chicken on beautiful tableware.

If you give a mouse a cookie my friends...we all know what happens next. Yeah. It's cray.

Anyway, this totally happened the other night, although this time the wormhole ended up leading me away from Pinterest where I discovered a super talented artist.

Here's how it all went down...

Started out on Pinterest and saw this pin by my sister-in-law Leah of a cool beards print - this cool beards print in fact.

So, I clicked on the link and it led me to The Face of Failure Tumblr, which just might be the best Tumblr on the planet, if only for the fact that it's writer actually linked back to the original source. Is it just me, or are people on Tumblr notoriously awful for not crediting their sources? This is probably a rant for another day, but seriously people...get it together. But, I digress. I learned from this lovely tumblr that this piece of art was aptly named "Beards" and was by Colt Bowden

So, then I clicked on the link to Colt Bowden and ended up on his Flickr page and the awesomeness these gems. And these are just doodles people! I your doodles look like that? Because mine most certainly do not. 

His other artwork and amazing hand lettering will blow your mind. Like...atomic style.

Then, after spending an inordinate amount of time on his Flickr I headed over to Colt's blog: Voila Press and found even more awesome things...

And then I ventured over to his website. Overflowing with inspired things as expected.

And then for good measure, I peeked on his Instagram (@coltbowden) and learned that he has a cute wife (@abigaylbowden) and they have a hampster child (#therealmchampster) and then I freaked out over this photo of him on his birthday.

Aaaaand....then I realized that they're from Portland too! ...or at least recently visited Portland. And then I followed both Colt and his wife on Instagram. And then I probably seemed like a creeper.

Stranger danger. (I swear I'm not a stalker.)

Oh yeah...and then I came back here and blogged about this entire thing. Two hours of my life: gone. All thanks to Pinterest and Colt Bowden's awesome artwork and adorable little family of three.

Please tell me I'm not the only one who does this?

Also, you should totally check out these links to Colt's work that I shared throughout the post - seriously inspired stuff!

Yay for art and time waste management!



  1. i loved the labels on your post.... lol

  2. Hahaha this happens to me ALL the time. Pinterest can be a huge time waster, as well as full of great ideas. :)

  3. I love Pinterest too! I normally spend Sat and Sun morning in bed re-pining like there's no tomorrow.

  4. Oh my gosh I love this lol. You're awesome.

  5. the power of pinterest! It's a time vacuum. An amazing, creative, mind-boggling time vortex! xoxo


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