
Monday, January 21, 2013



Fern and I decided that Thursdays should be headband days. OK, mostly I decided because my hair looked like crap and it needed a quick fix. Also...I'm not so sure the suburbs was ready for this gypsy look.

We instituted "French Toast Saturdays". It's the only day of the week when we're all up at the same time and having breakfast together is a nice way to spend our morning. Fern tried using a fork for the first time this Saturday and she took to it like a duck to water. She's not usually too interested or inclined toward fine motor activities, but the girl loves to eat, so I guess it was good motivation.

 We've been having lots of "teepee time" since Craig's parents made her a teepee for her birthday. It's so cute and cozy inside (see more pics and Fern's room tour HERE).

Fern has been perfecting her "stank face". OK...this is actually her excited/surprised face, but for some reason it always looks angry. I'll have to record it on video sometime, because it's super cute, but just doesn't translate in photos.

What have you been up to lately?



  1. The Boy is 6 and still hasn't taken to the fork ... drives me crazy!

    I love her little "stank" face ... I think it translates perfectly! Too cute. :)

  2. I just LOVE that little umbrella shirt (you can tell I'm a mom of little girls because I gravitate right toward the baby clothing!)

  3. I LOVE the idea of French Toast Saturdays lol.

  4. how cute is that teepee?! what an awesome gift!

  5. Too cute! I want a teepee for myself.. weird?

  6. I love your headband! Cute post and cute blog. x

  7. I definitely rock headband Thursdays most of the the week. What a cutie pie you have!


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