
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

what fern wore #10.

This is what Fern wore on her first birthday...

Yellow Dress (3T shirt worn as a dress): Zara
White Slip Dress (3T shirt worn as a dress): hand-me-down from a friend
Cardigan: Target
Tights: H&M
Boots: Zara

I think this is probably my most favorite Fern outfit to date. I'm pretty sure I want to dress her in it every single day until she completely outgrows it. I mean...seriously...those boots!

Happy (almost) Thursday! We'll be spending our day at the doctor's office for Fern's one-year appointment. We're placing bets on how much she weighs. My guess is 23 pounds, but Craig thinks 25. I guess we'll find out tomorrow!



  1. Those boots!!! I want to wear this outfit every day! I think Fern is about the same size as Josiah too. Tall and 24ish lbs! xoxo

  2. Those boots are too cute for words!!!

  3. what a cutie pie! great outfit mom :) happy birthday little fern

  4. The cuteness here is killer. She is precious! That outfit . . . oh my. What a little lady in her stylin' boots!

  5. Love her outfit= I think she looks like a little lady. :)

  6. SOO cute, ahh! I love the little tights and boots.

  7. They need to make that outfit for adults. Especially those boots.

  8. That is the sweetest outfit ever! Fern is Chloe's style inspiration. Chloe = my 16 month old.

  9. i'm dying over that outfit!!! and btw...what kind of high chair is you like it?

  10. I'm curious to find out how much she weighs. Pearl is 21 pounds, she was just weighed this week. Fern might be bigger already! I know last time I saw you, they were around the same height.

    Also, that shirt dress is adorable. I love the print!

  11. Oh my word, I can only hope to one day dress my future children half as cute as you dress Fern! This outfit is so cute and stylish! I love it! You are so talented and Fern is just adorable.

  12. So stinking cute. I love these posts. She's gotta be one of the most stylish babies in Portland.

  13. Fern is so stylish and adorable. This is definitely one of her cutest outfits. I hope Fern has a great birthday. It's so hard to believe that she's already one year. Why is time flying by so quickly?


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