
Friday, December 14, 2012

fill in the blank friday.

Here are your blanks for this fine Friday - enjoy!

1.  When it comes to holiday shopping, I   don't do a whole lot of it. We have participated in The Advent Conspiracy for the past 4 years and as such we have changed the way we give gifts and actually make the majority of our gifts now. It takes a lot more effort to come up with things that are thoughtful and meaningful, but it saves money and makes the entire season much more enjoyable and helps us to refocus on the real meaning behind the Christmas season.    .

2.  A few things on my Chritmas wish list are...  a new bag, because my diaper bag broke and a locket to put a little photo of Craig & Fern in    .

3.  An intangible gift I would like to receive is   a full night's sleep. Yes please.  .

4. A gift I would like to give this year is   to be able to hire someone to make Craig the coffee bar of his dreams in our is not endless  .

5. My Christmas will be spent  here and there...a little with my family, a little with the in-laws and a bit of it will be just Craig and Fern and I at home which is the part I am most looking forward to .

6. My most favorite Christmas gift of all time was  a tetherball and pole I received in the 4th grade. It was the best!  .

7.  The best thing about the holidays is  staying in and cozying up with hot cocoa and turning on the tree lights. So cozy and festive, but simple  .

Happy weekend!



  1. A full night's rest sounds lovely! Thanks for the post and inspiration :) Enjoy your weekend.

  2. A tether ball! That's awesome! It's great the gifts we remember the most! Mine is probably my Barbie Jeep!! Haha!
    Happy Christmas! Also, looking into the Advent Conspiracy now! Looks very interesting!

  3. Wow I forgot about tetherball. I was obsessed with it for awhile. Such a fun game.

    The questions are so fun, that I made a second post for today so I could participate.

  4. A coffee bar in your house??? Okay that really would be the perfect gift.

  5. The Advent Conspiracy is interesting! :) Johnny and I decided after our first year of marriage to not give gifts to each other apart from stockings in the morning which is really so much nicer and less pressure than bigger gifts. Especially since my birthday is right after Christmas so poor J was getting really stressed out! Haha! Then when I took over hosting our combined families' Christmas Eve party (his fam and my fam have celebrated together for years and years), I, with the support of just about everyone, did away with giving gifts to each single person and replaced it with Secret Santa exchanges. So much nicer and the gifts are so much more meaningful and thoughtful.

    Makes me wonder what you and Craig decided as far as gifts from your families to Fern? It is so easy, especially with the first grandchild, to completely spoil them. Johnny and I think that one gift from each family (one big gift or a compilation of a few gifts that go together) makes the most sense. As far as from us the parents, we think one or two reasonable gifts on top of a stocking... I just hate the materialism of Christmas and don't want my kids to associate Christmas with stuff. It's about Christ and family and love not stuff!

    End longest comment ever.


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