
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

the goings on.

These are a few things I've been thinking, making and doing lately....

Made this for dinner.
So good. So easy.

Talking about my favorite styling gig of all time:
styling my own baby and sharing my favorite baby styling tips and tricks.

...and marveling at the awesome job my husband has done fixing up out house. It's still a work in progess, but it's looking a million times better!

What have you been thinking, doing or making lately?



  1. I have to say...Fern is the most well-dressed baby I have ever seen! You're doing a fabulous job dressing her! :)

  2. I made that Korean beef last week while looking for something new to do with ground beef. It was so good!

    Fern looks adorable. :)

  3. Wow! You have been busy, and with great results! I haven't had much time to be creative, but like you, I've been trying out new recipes, and I also started knitting again for the first time in ages! :)

  4. Whoa, the house doesn't even look like the same place! Craig must have had to do some serious roof work to the front! It looks fabulous, though! Nice work!

  5. Seriously I cannot get over how much Fern looks like you. And that Korean beef looks YUMMY.

  6. I love your post on dressing your daughter. I'm hoping to use a few ideas from it the next time I'm out shopping.

  7. Wow owe I absolutely love the new look of your house!! What a difference!

  8. I was just looking at that Korean beef recipe yesterday on pinterest. Guess I need to make it now!

  9. I hardly ever comment on blogs but I have to say thank you for posting that Korean Beef recipe! I made it tonight and it was delish!

  10. Your house looks amazing! I can't believe that it is the same house!

  11. I made that Korean beef but used turkey, and Ben said it was "one of the best things he has ever eaten.". So easy and good!! Thanks for sharing. That will definitely be a regular around here

  12. Thanks for the link to my Korean Beef recipe! :)


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