
Sunday, October 7, 2012

my future teenage girl.

Over the weekend, I started thinking about future teenage Fern.

I know this is obviously many years away, but I spent Saturday with my dad and while we were hanging out my own teenage years came up in the conversation and it got me thinking about the fact that my sweet, little baby girl will one day be a woman, but even before that she'll be an unpredictable and hormonal teenage girl.

If I can be completely honest....
I'm kind of terrified of that day.

When I was pregnant, I hoped for and truly believed that I was going to have a little boy. I bought little blue hats and footie pajamas and dreamed of a nursery that was filled with trucks and blocks. 

Well, when I found out I was having a girl I was more than a little surprised (you can see my real-life reaction here) and a little scared. I imagined a future filled with back-stabbing, mean-girl friends and fighting over caked on eyeliner and too short skirts. But then I got used to the idea and got excited and now that she's been here for almost 9 months I can't imagine life without her. I'd still be thrilled if we had a little boy the next time around, but I adore having a daughter - she's just so much fun!

So, when the fears creep in about the teenage years and the worries about screwing up as a mom to a daughter, I just think about all the fun memories that we're making now and reminding myself to take it one day at a time. I remind myself to stop and enjoy these moments...

Playing dress-up with her...

Watching her love of food develop....

Seeing her learn new things....

And taking her along on adventures....

 ....Because she's my little buddy.
And no matter what ups and downs we go through I will always be her mama and she will always be my daughter.  All I can hope for is that I will do the best job I know how and that I can teach her a few life lessons along the way.


P.S. I wrote about 12 Things I Hope My Daughter Learns over at Babble today if you want to check it out - since it goes hand-in-hand with this post :).


  1. This must be such a scary thought for any parent with a baby who will one day grow up to be an independent person with their own thoughts and opinions and feelings. It must be hard to think about the mistakes they are going to make and the problems and issues they will have to endure as part of living this life.

    But, I think the best thing to do is what you are doing - focusing on the here and now and creating good solid memories of your time with Fern for when she is yelling at you or slamming doors or sneaking out of the house to meet up with boys. And, you are also providing her with a strong foundation and a strong knowledge that your relationship can survive anything.

    My mom and I are best friends and, despite those rocky teenage years, we got through them because we have a strong relationship and a bond that no one can take away!

    It's a gift.

    Have a good week!

  2. Such a sweet post! Teenage girls are kind of terrifying, but I'm sure you'll continue to be a great mama through it all.

  3. This weekend I saw a bunch of girls out for Homecoming, and their dresses were SO short it literally sent me into a panic. My daughter is only 10 months, and I cringe to think that one day she may not be so innocent anymore. But I have to keep reminding myself that I am her mom, and as her parents her dad and I have to do the best we can to teach her to be a good person and make the right choices. And pray that she escapes high school unscathed. Why does it seem like having a little girl is so much scarier than having a little boy?? It's true!

  4. I went through the same thing. Wanted a boy, got a girl and can't imagine life without her now! I can't even imagine what it would be like if I had had a boy. Girls are sweet, and they'll survive those terrible teenage years, like we did (barely LOL).

  5. You've been a great mother so far, and I'm sure you will be ready for her teenage years when they come round. It'll just be another chapter in her life and yours, and another adventure for you both to share

  6. Haha, I never even considered the teenage years until just this very second. I was pretty low drama though so hepefully Pearl will be the same way. You never know though!

  7. I really, really want a daughter one day but I'm also scared of pretty much all the same things. Girls are so MEAN sometimes. And I remember girls being mean to me when I was a teenager... and me being means to girls. It can just be awful.

  8. Ah, my Princess Petunia is 8 and already almost a teenager. It happens SO quickly.

    I have an 11 year old son, so when I was pregnant with my daughter I PRAYED for a boy. He was so easy. I remember when I found out I was having a girl, I was watching an episode of the Sopranos and I looked at my husband and said "I'm not ready for her to hate me....". I hope your little girl is easier than mine, lol. They're so much fun, but so much work... but they're worth it... :)

  9. Litte Fern is so so cute! You are a great momma!

  10. I'm with you. Sometimes I get a little nervous but I've met some amazing teenage girls... and they have amazing parents. I think if we do our best it'll be okay! Love you.


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