
Thursday, October 11, 2012

fill in the blank friday.

Hi Friday Blank Fillers!

This week's blanks are a potpourri of random questions - no theme - but sometimes that's fun too. 


{Cause sometimes I get fancy with PicMonkey}

1.  My favorite flower is    anything "weedy" (as my husband would say) that doesn't look like a real flower. I prefer greenery to flowers actually. I love pretty grasses, succulents, cacti, and all the green filler plants in bouquets. If I had to pick a flower though I think I'd probably say I like anemones, because they're really unique looking   .

2.  You should never talk about  politics. I enjoy talking about religion (or faith really), but I hate politics. It's so divisive and people get really mean about it. I wish we could just get rid of the political parties and all work together   .

3.  My favorite discovery as of late is   the Baja Enselada salad at Baja Fresh. I think it's seriously the most flavorful salad I've ever had. It's seriously made me crave salad! So weird.  .

4. This fall you will probably find me wearing    an oversized cozy sweater, jeans, ankle boots and Essie's "Bobbing For Baubles" nail polish - I rarely polish my nails and I'm seriously obsessed with this color!  .

5. I wish I were  sleeping. I'm pretty sure all moms never get enough sleep .

6. My favorite TV show currently is   Project Runway - this is actually a really good season...the last few have been lame  .

7.  This weekend I want to  make muffins, hang out with friends and get ahead on some projects  .

Hope your weekend is fantastic!



  1. I agree about politics. It's just too much drama and arguing anytime its brought up.

  2. I'm in the second episode of Project Runway this season - in the candy store challenge. They filmed it where I work. Pink shirt, red pants, brunette bob. Look for me!

  3. I definitely agree on the no politics talk!

  4. This is the first time I've submitted my link but have to say I am thoroughly enjoying every single link submitted so far! I'll definitely be back next week!

  5. I don't really agree with you about politics. Or maybe it's the religion talk? People get just as mean about religion as they do politics, and just as pushy too.

    I think that politics can be discussed and I've actually had some really great political discussions with people, even people that don't agree with me on all the viewpoints.

  6. I can never seem to get on board with Project Runway. I can't figure out why.
    I also wish I were sleeping. Right now.

  7. Newest follower, cute blog, I can't wait to read more!


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