
Monday, October 15, 2012

a cozy fall'ish weekend.

Last week was super busy for me.

I've been doing some wardrobe styling, so most of my week was spent running around gathering things up and Fern spent a lot of time hanging out with my mom (my own personal au pair who I am so thankful for!) so I could get things together.

So, to make up for the busy-ness, the weekend was spent in relaxation mode. Much of our time was spent cozied up indoors since the rainy weather finally arrived in Oregon.  Here's a little recap...

Friday we had a fall'ish outing with my om and Fern's cousin Karly.

 Went to a family dinner at Papa Haydn
Fern was tired and grumpy through most of the meal, but she was definitely into checking out the dessert case with her grandpa.

Slept in on Saturday (8:00 is sleeping in around these parts)
and woke up to delicious iced coffee from my husband.

Got to dress Fern in her little antique baby shoes from my mom
and French dress from my friend Caroline. Both finally fit! Well...a little big, 
but I was too impatient to wait any longer - they were too cute!

...and speaking of Caroline...Sunday morning we had breakfast in with Marc and Caroline. They had been visiting Portland so we had a quick breakfast before they headed out. 

It was lovely and relaxing.

How was your weekend?



  1. Adorable! I love that sweater you are wearing in the first picture! Looks like a lovely weekend!

  2. Fern is so precious. Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend.

  3. cozy fall weekends are the absolute best! I got back to Portland just in time for the rainy weather and the gorgeous leaves changing everywhere :)

  4. Where where where did you get that sweater in the first picture!? I must get it! Beautiful.


  5. Dear me, loving this photos so much! I love your jacket in the first picture!


  6. Fern's little outfits are KILLING ME. I can't wait to dress up my children :)

  7. Sounds like a great weekend, and I love the pictures! My weekend was lovely; I saw my two brothers for the first time in a year, the whole family was together for the first time in 3 years, and we had family photos taken!

  8. I think Fern has a better wardrobe than I do! ;)

  9. Aw it looks like such a fun weekend!

    I had a couple in my restaurant today from Oregon and it totally made me think of you!

  10. Dude. Your sweater is fabulous, I fully support drinking out of Mason jars, and baby legs in tights are too cute. Love it.


  11. Good god I love Fern and of course you too. But that dress is just too perfect crazy to think I bought it before she was born but it fits her little personality so well. Our quick get together was too quick but thankful I got to see you. Next time it won't be so quick and I see many many more Oregon trips in the future hehe! LOVE you!

  12. omgosh I am obsessed with Fern's little outfit! Hope you don't mind me pinning all her cuteness!

    xx Vivian @


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