
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

fern's first easter.

This weekend we celebrated our first Easter as a family of three
and Fern's very first Easter.

These are the hard boiled eggs I made.  
My first batch ever and they were kind of a fail.  

They didn't peel very well, but they sure did look pretty.

 We started our first family tradition:
German pancakes for Easter Breakfast

I was in charge of the table scape and here's what I came up with:
Terrerium-ish bunnies, flowers cut from my mother-in-law's yard, mini baskets with chocolates and a hard boiled egg with each person's name for place cards.

Mason jars: the most versatile decorating accessory ever.

 Here's our little lady in her Easter dress courtesy of her Grammy.
It was the sweetest shade of pale pink - so cute!

 I made sure to get a photo with Fern since we don't have many of the two of us together.  Being a mommy means I'm usually the one behind the camera!

Family Easter photo.

 And since Fern is the only little one in our family she gets tons of attention at these types of gatherings.  By the end of the afternoon I almost forgot I had a baby since I hadn't held her in so long!

Here she is with my brother Matt and his wife Mallory.  
I love her mischievous little face in this one!

....and with my dad.

....and Craig's dad.

It was a day full of snuggles and sunshine for Fern!

How was your Easter?



  1. Hi Lauren. Easter hasn't come yet in my country, Romania, but I'm sure our Easter cannot compete with yours. Everything looks so nice and pretty, especially Fern. This year will be a first time Easter for my daughter Ellie too, she'll be 8 months on the same day. I can hardly wait to celebrate it together.
    Happy Easter!

  2. Fern's Easter dress is so adorable! I just found your blog, and I love it!

  3. I'm so glad Fern had such a great first Easter!

  4. Glad you had a Happy Easter. Fern is beautiful. I love her sweater.

  5. She is so cute!! And I love the eggs! How did you do that?

  6. The egg place cards are such a cute idea!

  7. How precious!
    xoxo Nina

  8. your eggs were probably too fresh. that happens a lot.

    fern is super cute.


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