
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

chipping away.

Moving with a newborn is probably the worst idea 
in the history of bad ideas.

Why do I know this?
....Because we just did it a month ago.

If you came over to my house right now you'd find about 12,000 (or so it feels) boxes still waiting to be unpacked.  Ooops.  It seems to be all I can do to just get through the day to day tasks....eating a decent meal instead of a granola bar, cleaning up the daily messes and maybe some of the bigger cleaning projects if I'm lucky, constantly feeding/entertaining a baby, blogging and forget about taking a shower...pretty sure I'm going on day #7 without one.  I'm about to join Fern as President of the stinky girl's club.  Yep.  Things just got real up in here.

Craig always says I'm kind of like a shotgun when it comes to projects.  I'll do nothing for a really long time and then I'll get all manic and re-roof the house (or something equally ridiculous) in one fell swoop. I don't start projects unless I can finish them, because I know from experience that I'll probably never come back to them.  The only problem with this is that with a baby you don't exactly get giant chunks of time to complete tasks.  It's one of those "slow and steady wins the race" kind of things where you unpack maybe one or two boxes a day, but I hate that, so I just don't unpack any instead.  Not the best solution, but avoidance works for me.  Also, I hate working by myself.  I actually hate doing a lot of tasks by myself.  Working out is another one, but give me a buddy to come alongside me during said task and I'm golden.

So far the kitchen is the only room that is a "complete" room.
(Ignore the fact that I still can't find our crock pot or toaster...forget about that tidbit.)

Thank Jesus for my friend Ashley! 

She's came over on Saturday and motivated/helped me organize the nursery and entertain Fern.  She's actually the only reason the kitchen is in order as well, because she came over when we first moved in to help me with it.  Anyway, here's a sneak peek of the progress in the nursery....

I give you Fern's floor bed.

 And here she is in all her super cuteness testing it out.
I know I'm partial, but girl is rocking that bright orange & navy combo.  Also, please note that it was actually warm enough here in Portland for Fern to go pants-less for the first time ever.  I think she was a little bit confused about why I forgot to cover up her legs, but she went with it.

If you're wondering why Fern has a bed on the floor, then you can head on over to Babble for more of an explanation and list of the benefits of this Montessori approach to sleeping (side note: it's been amazing so far!).

Also, I know people are requesting photos of the new place, but I'm rather hesitant because it's such a fixer upper with nasty carpets and walls in desperate need of paint that I feel like I should wait until at least the walls get a spruce up.  But...maybe I'll just buy one of those magic erasers that my mommy friends swear by and just give things a good scrub down for the time being.  We'll see.

For now though, I'm just thankful 
to be chipping away at it all slowly....
Room by room.



  1. Ohh my she is so cute!! Love the little dress! So darling!! I am the SAME way with cleaning or any projects!! I will be SUPER motivated and.. then... I'm not sure what happens? I like to take a "break" except it ends up being really long!! Oh well!! Maybe set a goal of like, x number of boxes a day? Good luck! ;-)

  2. Lauren, I know the feeling. I moved over the long weekend and everything is a mess. And I am single. Without a child, so I can completely sympathise.

    Packing is one thing, unpacking and finding a place for everything is another.

    Good luck and glad you have friends to help get it done!:)

    PS - how cute, Fern is rocking that little headband. Gorgeous.

  3. I don't have a newborn, but I am the exact same way with projects, especially moving.

    When I move in to a new place I insist on painting, unpacking, doing repairs and upgrades the first week. Otherwise, I know when I move again I'll find boxes I never unpacked fully and cans of paint I never used!

  4. Huh, I'm going to have to go check out your post about Fern's bed on the floor. That just seems so bizarre to me! Off to read!

  5. For real, magic erasers are actually made of magic. I'm pretty sure.

  6. I can't wait to hear more about this as Fern gets older! I like a lot of Montessori's approaches to teaching/raising children so this is definitely something I am interested in! Thanks for sharing!! :] And her bed is absolutely adorable! And so is she!!

  7. oh little girls are so stinkin adorable.

    i don't think anyones house is really all together especially if they moved and its a fixer upper. there is always some room for suggestions.

  8. That dress is awesome! I had no idea you guys moved. That has to be so stressful with a baby, even to just find a new house let alone move. It's stressful anytime. Hopefully things calm down a bit.


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