
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

unrequited pins.

The other day when I was on Pinterest,
I looked to see how many things I'd pinned since I joined and the grand total was:

That's a butt load of pins.

How many of these pins have actually turned into something of substance?
How many meals have I made using pinned recipes, how many pinned DIY's have I completed, how many party inspiration pins have gotten used?

Not a lot (i.e. barely any).

I sat there for a bit thinking about all these unrequited pins.  Pins that had such great potential, but would never leave the confines of my pin board.  Rather like unrequited love don't you agree?

And so, I decided I would start a regular posting called
"Unrequited Pins"

Because, let's be real, I'm probably never going to do any of this stuff, despite it's awesomeness.  But, maybe some of you super women out there will reach for the stars and actually do some of this stuff and then I'll pat you on the back and live vicariously through your impressive pin-doing-ness.  Yes.  I just made that up.

Here are some of my most recent unrequited pins:

It's pretty, but my husband is cheap frugal so I'll be sticking with my ugly mesh laundry bags.

My postpartum body is never going to wear a swimsuit again. least not in the foreseeable future.

I can't actually find the original link to this, so even if I ever got up the ambition to complete this, I wouldn't know how.

If I don't even have time to unpack my house, chances are this isn't going to happen.  Plus, it's not like not-quite-3-month-old Fern is going to be begging me for a work table anytime soon.  She's still pretty entertained by sticking her hands in her mouth and staring at the ceiling, so....

Uhhhhh....yeah right.  Did I mention I don't even get to shower these days?

OK.  I actually probably should try this, but anything that requires prep is pretty much out.  Most days I subsist on granola bars and string cheese.  Sad but true.

If I'm taking the time to make something fruity that requires more than pouring orange juice out of a container then there better be booze in it.

Please tell me I'm not the only one with unrequited pins?



  1.'re very much NOT the only one. I admit I have tried a lot of pinned recipes and have done a few DIYs but for the most part I pin and ignore.

  2. Oh I know, I was lamenting the fact hat I haven't even had the chance to be on pinterest of late. I think sherry from young house love did a painting that mimics that hanging wooden DIY. I've been trying to finish spray painting a table for the little man's room and that's taking too long and it doesn't any creativity!

    And I hear ya on the string cheese and granola bars.

  3. Thanks for sharing these pins. I repinned a couple of them. I hope I actually get to try out some of these pins.

  4. Pretty much the story of my life as well. I am surprised I find the time to pin many days!!

  5. I love this idea! Haha, unrequited pins are the PERFECT way to describe them.

  6. All my pins but one (slutty brownies) are unrequited :(. However, I still love to dream!

  7. Definately not the only one! I actually managed to put one pin to use when doing Valentines for my sons class though!

  8. I have thousands of pins, as well. Other than purchasing a few of the items in the fashion area, and making a few of the meals, neither.

    W. :)

  9. Haha I have TONS of pins like this. Still, it's fun to dream, right?

  10. I'm the same way. I have done a couple of craft projects and I tried the sock bun. That actually works really well. I don't even have a food board though because I knew from the start I would never make anything I pinned.
    Some people are doing it though. A bunch of my Facebook friends posted photos of their deviled eggs that they decided to make look like baby chicks. I thought it was silly, but it was clearly something they all found on Pinterest.

  11. Fabulous idea for a series. Love it and I'm with you...never going to get around to doing most of my pins.

  12. I have thousands of pins too + many, many unrequited one. Errrr.... :)

  13. Hi Lauren,

    I've been following your blog for quite a while and now I've decided to nominate you for a Sunshine Award on my blog
    I also added you to my blog list, I hope you don't mind.

  14. Honey, I just hit 16,000 pins yesterday. Little over the top, but at least now if I DO want to do something creative, I've got all kinds of inspiration, right? ;)
    xo Heather

  15. I have unrequited pins too! Soooo many of them, haha. I have actually done the occasional one, but most never get done. Too bad!

  16. Lol. I LOVE this. I'm a new pinner and am hoping to actually start doing/buying the things I pin...but...I say that about everything. Lol.

    ♥ Duckie.

  17. This made me laugh out loud! There are so many pins that I will never even attempt.

  18. You're a genius lady. You've inspired me to liberate myself of the whole thing. I can't get into it at all for that exact reason and I just end up feeling guilty. :P but I still love your idea, because I will be able to enjoy it just a little because it still is a cool site :)

  19. I fasted from Pinterest (and Twitter and Tumblr) for Lent in hopes that I'd get closer to actually LIVING out the life I wanted instead of just looking through pictures of my dreams.

    Moderation is key, in my opinion, and I'm glad that it's true that we can enjoy beauty and pretty and nice things without necessarily being chained to them. Thanks for solidifying that for me, Lauren!

    (Here's my post on my fast: )

  20. I feel like I do a pretty good job of trying out things that I pin, especially when it comes to getting inspiration (pinspiration?) for new meals. Sometimes I'll just not bother pinning something if I know I'll never do it, though I do have a ridiculous amount of things pinned. I just like to look at pretty things/good food.

  21. Yes totally true, the story about pinning as you describe it! Even here in Belgium!



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