
Friday, April 6, 2012

awkward mommy moment.

My baby loves gangster rap.
{Perhaps Fern needs this onesie from Zazzle?}

The kind of rap that is so gritty that it (as Craig so aptly puts it) "makes you feel like you need a shower after you listen to it".

The Kanye and Jay-Z album is her favorite.  
The louder the better.
She can be screaming bloody murder and "Welcome To The Jungle" comes on and she's completely silenced.  It's like musical magic.

This is totally great except during those moments when I pull up next to a little old lady at a stop light and she hears the bass pumping loudly from my Audi station wagon (AKA "mom-mobile") and then sees my sleeping infant in the backseat and give me a "look".  Pretty sure she's questioning my mommy credentials right about then.

Awkward mommy moment.
I'm sure it's only the first of many.



  1. Indeed it is!!

  2. This is lovely! I can just imagine her face and her thoughts going back to, "in my days that was unheard of" haha :)

  3. This is the best mommy post ever. I hope my future kids are half as cool as Ms. Fern! Keep it real, homegirl.

    Best mom out there. I'm interested in how you made this discovery??

  5. Love it! It's like that Friends episode, where Ross and Rachel's baby loves "I like big butts and I cannot lie".

  6. That is TOO funny! Makes me think of the Friends episode where Rachel and Ross's baby only laughs when they sing the I Like Big Butts song, hehe.

  7. This makes me laugh because until my baby was 2.5 months she was supper fussy and to calm her down we had to sing and bounce. I dont know about you but there is only so much twinkle twinkle and rock a bye baby I can stomach so I usually sung whatever I had been listening to, which to my husbands horror, often included Lady Gaga. In fact one Sunday Margot was in the church nursery and the nursery volunteer had to come and get me because she wouldn't stop screaming. Without even thinking I started singing "Bad Romance". Let's just say that was akward moment...

  8. hahahaha! A song came on the voice last night and it was by Kanye and my daughter jumped and started dancing.

  9. Haha, when Gigi would cry and cry in the night my hubby would take her out to the car and BLAST Daft Punk, she was obsessed with it. It would shut her right up! What can we do, our babies are just so hip it hurts! xo


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