
Thursday, April 5, 2012

life imitating art.

I saw this print the other day and instantly liked it.  
It also seemed oddly familiar.

And, then I realized why.

Note the similarities between this print and the stretch I get to see Fern do each morning when I unswaddle her.  I like to think that maybe she's feeling the same sentiment:  "Today is the greatest" :).

This definitely made me smile.
Is there anything special (or even ordinary) that made you smile today?


  1. Oh, she is so sweet! I used to love unswaddling my son too. He would get all happy and stretch each limb. Just the cutest :) Now he's almost one and he's so active, but mornings are still his happiest time. It's always a treat to wake up to his smile :) Thanks for sharing the print and the cute pic of Fern!

  2. That's Ruth's favorite, too!!! We call it the "praise Him!"

  3. What a cute print! Love it. And Fern is looking so precious. :)

  4. That is so cute! Your adorable pictures of Fern definitely make me smile.

    Everyday I wake up to my dog wagging his tail as if he's SO happy that it's a new day. That makes me smile every morning...and kind of makes me admire my dog. Is that weird?

  5. isn't it lovely when you get the chance to see how they stretch?? I love that on Mika!!! :)
    He HATED the swaddling thingy, so we could never use it on him. It's funny to see him sleep...
    SHe's getting big!
    Have a great day!

  6. This print reminds me of Ben! Except he would say "everything is the greatest". Hooray for positive people (and little people) :)

  7. Oh Fern, thank you for making me smile! haha! That is just stinkin' adorable, Lauren!


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