
Thursday, March 29, 2012

fill in the blank friday.

Happy Friday friends!
Time to fill in some blanks!!

1.  My greatest strength is   my ability to multi-task and get things done. If you entrust a task to me, you can be assured it will get done   .

2.   My greatest weakness is   my ability to multi-task and get things done. Sometimes I can become so task driven that I forget about what's important. I'm constantly trying to remind myself that it's not just about the destination, but the journey as well    .

3.  People always compliment me on     my baby. She's pretty adorable and I'm pretty sure it's not only because she's mine and I'm biased    .

4. If you found me procrastinating you'd probably find me    playing "Draw Something" or Instagramming...or pinning things on Pinterest .

5. The most cozy place in all the world is  my bed - but only if I'm snuggled up in it with Craig and Fern .

6. Something new that I tried recently was   using Bar Keeper's Friend to get rid of scratches on my white plates (it didn't work sadly), making chicken curry in a crockpot, and going to our local Asian market and getting these delicious lychee gummies   .

7.  This weekend I would like to   maybe actually get a bit of unpacking done - I've sort of hit a wall. Can I just get rid of everything I haven't unpacked yet?  I won't miss it, right?   .

Hope you do something fun this weekend!



  1. I often read your answers to Fill in the blank Friday and laugh, as I would have answered the same thing!

  2. I am the exact same way as 1 and 2. Good luck unpacking!

  3. Love this week's list of questions!

  4. Definitely not because she's yours and you're biased - she's just adorable!

    Have a great weekend. :)

  5. great questions this week! p.s. this is my all-time favorite link-up. I do it religiously every friday it's available! :) have a great weekend!

  6. Thank you Lauren! :o) Have a fabulous weekend!!

  7. Great questions! I love being able to multi-task too. My poor husband struggles with it. Good luck with the unpacking. I have to actually pack today because we're leaving on a trip to Fiji tomorrow! Happy weekend Lauren!

  8. OMG! If I'm procrastinating, I'm usually on's such a trap! :)


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