
Monday, April 2, 2012


Life as of late in Instagrams....

Fern is always happiest first thing in the morning.
She definitely didn't get that from me.

Agua Fresca during lunch at Por Que No with my mom.

 Fern & Craig snuggling up to watch the Blazer game together.

 My rendition of Mario on "Draw Something".

Fern visiting Bob on a trip to see my dad at work.

A play date with Bennett, Poppy and Alomae.
Fern and Poppy are going to be best friends one day and open up a little garden store called "Fern & Poppy."  I think it would be just perfect.

 A trip to Uwajimaya.  I'm obsessed now.

What have you been up to lately?



  1. Your Draw Something is amazing! I am a little obsessed with it at the moment, but my fingers are a bit podgy so my drawing skills leave much to be desired:)

    Your little one is too cute and so smiley!:) Aren't they the best.

    Have a good week!

  2. Fern is so cute cuddled up with her dad!

  3. Haha I love the Mario and Luigi drawing!

  4. Your Draw Something drawing is so much more detailed than the ones I usually do!

  5. Lovely photos. I recently gave in and started instagramming. Love it!


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