
Thursday, June 6, 2013

what fern wore: make it work.

Sometimes you love an article of clothing so much, but it's just not quite right. 

Such was the case with this adorable throwback Bobo Choses romper that our friend Danni had passed onto us before Fern was even born. It was love at first site and I couldn't wait for the day when I would have a child large enough to actually wear it.

I decided to break it out yesterday and to my surprise it fit! ...Except for the top. It was loose and the straps were falling off. But, I wasn't going to let that stop me. I had a little bit of a make it work moment with a hair barrette and clipped it in back. I'll admit...perhaps a little janky, but I don't even care because I love this little romper on Fern so much. I only wish I looked that cute in a romper! Not sure what it is about toddler bellies, but the more rotund, the better and Fern definitely has that covered. All belly that girl.

Also...this girl NEVER. STOPS. MOVING. But, I managed to get some good snaps anyway...

Romper: Throwback Bobo Choses hand-me-down
Shoes: Saltwater

Also...if you haven't had enough yet, you can see Fern and her romper in action:

Sunshine and toddler bellies,



  1. She doesn't even know she's a little fashion icon. :)


  2. Have mercy, she is so adorable and way more fashionable than I will ever dream to be!

  3. I just Love Fern and her precious fashions! :)

  4. Yay! Fern pigtails! I may or may not have done that same barrette trick on my own dress...pretty sure it's still considered classy and creative on a 30 year old woman... :)

  5. P.S.- Hope that comment didn't come through in triplicate...Blogger made me keep signing in over and over again!

  6. The romper AND pigtails?! I love her SO MUCH Lauren. Gah. xo

  7. I second Cara, that romper and those pigtails... she just melts my heart!

  8. Smart idea to use a hair clip to gather the straps. I had to do that with one of my dresses. Fern's outfit is adorable. She is such a baby fashionista and by far the cutest baby/toddler ever. Her expression are priceless and her know I can't get enough of it. You need to make "The Fern Show" because there are probably many of us who would watch it. She is such a character!


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