
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

weirdly in love.

We all have our quirks.

Mine is a mildly obsessive need to sit on a certain side of restaurant booths and not being able to sleep unless I know every door in the house is shut. I also hate squirrels and moths and sing endless show tunes on road trips.

Craig's quirks include: a compulsion to finish a TV series once he starts it (even if it starts to get lame he has to see it through to the end), and endless pit of a stomach that isn't satisfied with simple cuisine (no mac & cheese from a box around here), and if he gets a hole in his sock he has to drop everything he's doing to rip said sock from his foot and tear the hole/entire sock because a hole-y sock ruins his day.

But somehow, despite all of our weird quirks (and annoying habits), it just works and we are a perfect match. Note I did not say we are perfect...but we are perfect for each other.

Thankful for being weirdly in love with this man.

Love and Quirks,



  1. I thought I'd never find someone else who hated squirrels like I do. Everyone I know seems to find them to be innocent, cute little furry creatures. I think they're evil!

    As I always tell my husband, we're meant to be because no one else could handle how crazy we are!

  2. My hubs totally has to have the side of the booth that faces the door, can't stand to have the door at his back! We are a true Odd Couple, but somehow it just works!

  3. I share Craig's quirk of needing to finish a TV series. It's a curse I tell you!

  4. I wish my husband shared the sock habit. instead, he wears socks with holes in them until I throw them away... lol

    and, we actually both do the TV thing. so much wasted time, but we do it anyway.

  5. Gosh I love this. Thank you so much for sharing. As a single girl who is definitely a little weird, this warms my heart and gives me a bit of hope that someone will one day like that weirdness too.

    Dani ///

  6. LOVE THIS!!! one of my quirks is starting a movie and the minute I'm bored or don't understand what's going on or am creeped out, I'll walk out of the room and go do something else... even if there's 10 minutes left of the movie. and it drives my hubby mad! he will watch a movie in its entirety (without falling asleep - which to me is no simple feat!) EVERY. SINGLE. TIME! I also still sleep with a baby blanket, a teddy bear and 3 pillows (including one over my head/ear). I'm so glad he loves me despite my quirks! :)


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