
Thursday, April 4, 2013

los pollitos.

OK. First of all...that giveaway I talked about on Tuesday?

I'm postponing it until next week, because I had to get a few more details ironed out first, but I didn't forget about it - swear!

Secondly...I realized that I forgot to tell you guys that we became farmers!

OK. Not for reals farmers, but pretty close.

When we bought our house a year ago, Craig talked about getting chickens. We have a half an acre (+) of yard in the woods (or at least it looks like the woods) and there was already a chicken coop there when we bought it. I sort of blew him off figuring he would forget about it over time, but apparently he didn't.

I don't know if I've ever mentioned this before, but my husband is a man of 1,000 hobbies. Not literally a thousand, but sometimes it feels like it. He roasts his own coffee beans, makes his own chocolate sauce for mochas, fixes up trucks to go off-roading, brews his own beer, smokes pipes, remodels our house, and a million other little things in addition to his newfound calling as an urban farmer. He is never "not busy" and he hates just sitting around. Well, sometimes he likes it, but after a bit he goes crazy and has to find a project to start on. Obviously we're quite different in that respect. I love me some lazy time.

We started out with six chickens and then long story short ended up with 18. Yes, I'm serious.

We'll see how it goes...we may end up downsizing when they get bigger if it seems to be too much, but basically if we're real-life friends you can probably expect LOTS of fresh eggs coming your way. I may just start adding them to gifts. Like, "Happy birthday! Have a side of eggs with that scented candle!" or "Happy baby shower! Diapers + eggs...the perfect gift!" I apologize in advance.

Anyway, despite the overwhelming number of chickens we have, it's actually been a pretty fun endeavor. It's made us all get outside more. Instead of watching TV in the evening, Craig will head outside to smoke his pipe and let the chicks out to roam and Fern and I will join him, because she's totally obsessed.

Oh...and that's where the post title came from...there's a Spanish song that we always sing called "Los Pollitos Dicen" and we have the accompanying book for it, so she was super stoked to see that we had gotten real-life pollitos. When we go out there to hang out with them she hums the song. It's real cute.

Anyway, here are a few photos of our new babies and Fern (you can see more here, along with a video here)...


  1. That is so exciting, Lauren! I can't wait to hear more about it!!!
    We have been wanting chickens for a loooong time, but we have had to wait. :( hopefully we can get some sooner than later... what kind of chicks did you guys get?

  2. This is awesome! I'm a new reader (found you on Babble) and a new chicken owner. I just got 3 hens and a rooster. You will love the fresh eggs and it will be a great learning experience for Fern! I can't wait to read more about your pollitos!

  3. How fun! My husband and I wish we could have chickens but our city ordinances are against it. So lame. Have fun distributing the eggs :)

  4. Cant wait to hear the updates on you urban farmers...i so want to do this...eventually when i figure out how to do more than one thing at a time with a little one!

  5. Oh how cute they are! This sounds like so much fun. I've always wanted to live a farm life. Enjoy those fresh eggs!

  6. Chickens are one of the greatest animals to have, and they're super easy to take care of! 18 is a lot though! Hopefully none of them end up being roosters!

  7. I would love chickens one day! I don't think my HOA would appreciate it right now though. :) Oneeee day!

  8. CUTE. Oh my gosh Fern must be beside herself hehe.

  9. I so want to have chickens someday.

  10. Your husband of 1000 hobbies sounds exactly like my hubs. The man cannot sit still for more than an hour without getting antsy and running off to start a project. And I am the opposite. :)

    I'm curious to see how the chicken farming goes! So many people I know are doing this. And if our yard was big enough I'm sure we'd be on the wagon too (my husband had already been talking about it).

  11. Los pollitoa Dicen pio pio pio Cuando tiene hambre Cuando tienen frio. Love that song. I remember my mom singing it to me when I was little. It's too cute to imagine Fern humming it.

  12. Started "stalking" you lately after seeing your blog post about style ideas for girls, I kind of can't get enough(Fern is absolutely adorable, if you see a 9 month old little girl hanging out around Portland dressed suspiciously like Fern you'll know why). It's actually the title of your blog today more than the actual chickens themselves that compelled me to comment (athough we have 40 fruit/nut bearing trees and shrubs on our property so if you ever want to trade eggs for fruit let me know). We love "Los Pollitos". As a fellow half-mexican I am always trying to work in more Spanish with the kiddos (and most of the time failing...). How are you doing with that?


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