
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

living life.

Suckiest blogger award, right here.

But, the good news is that I haven't been around because I've been busy living life. Whoa! I know, right?

We had our friends Marc & Caroline in town and then it was Easter (check out some of Fern's Easter photos here) and a slew of other things. No excuses though. It's been busy and fun.

In other good news, I'll be back with a super cute giveaway tomorrow to make it up to you lovelies! a final bit of good news? We actually managed to take a few good family photos on Easter where we're all actually looking at the camera! It was an Easter miracle! Obviously not on par with the resurrection or anything, but still impressive if you know my little wiggle worm :).  

Also...more good news (I'm so filled with it today apparently!) - I'm still kicking butt at "Operation Lose the Baby Weight" - 14 pounds down and I can totally tell that my face is thinner in these photos...not to toot my own horn or anything, but it's pretty exciting. Easter dress was purchased in a smaller size than my usual. Yay! (Here's a little post about what I've been doing to help achieve my weight loss goal).

OK. That's all for now. Here are a few family photos from our Easter...



  1. What do you put in your smoothies? I love smoothies but never know what to put in them

  2. We forgive you, Fern is so cute, she's making up for her mommy's...slips :)

    You guys look so pretty and happy and Fern looks more and more like daddy (I know, it sucks, right? mine is the exact copy of hubby).


  3. Cute! I love a good family photo and those are great!

  4. Looking good little H. family! xoxo

  5. Good work, losing 14 pounds already! I need to lose about 5 coming back to heavy foods in america pounds

  6. Great job lady!!! SO proud of you. You look great and I got to tell you that in person. Love you.

  7. You have such a sweet little family! Your hard work is paying off. You look great!

  8. Hey you're too busy chasing after that adorable daughter of yours, it's all good!

  9. love this. and yay you!!! that is so awesome!

  10. you guys are the best looking family on the block!

  11. That first family photo is so great! Fern's smile is so sweet. Definitely frame-worthy ;)

  12. I can tell you have lost weight too! congrats, it sucks at times, but SO worth it.

    and I totally understand your weight "hiding" well, I'm the same way! I hate finding it 20lbs later though lol


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