
Monday, February 11, 2013

husband and wife hangout time.

This weekend Craig and I had some simple, quality hangout time.

This weekend for the first time in ages Craig took a real break from house projects and it was awesome. Usually he spends at least one of his weekend days working on the endless projects that are a part of owning a "fixer upper". I so appreciate all of his hard work, but sometimes it can be tiring having him tied up during every free moment and we all miss him.

So, this weekend he took the whole weekend off and our Sunday was spent being completely lazy and while Fern napped we had some quality husband/wife hangout time. Craig broke out his new pipe and taught me how to smoke it. I'd never smoked a pipe before, and totally gagged the first time, but then he taught me the ropes.

I can't say I'll become a regular pipe smoker as I'm not much good at it yet, but it was fun to try something new with the husband. I also loved getting to hang out with him doing grown up things during nap time - it was like the old pre-kid days :).

Did you do anything fun this weekend? 



  1. Simple, quality hang out time with your long time lover is so important. I'm glad you found time to spend lazy time with your husband:]


  2. Watched The Man make snow mazes in our back yard after the Blizzard. The Boy and The Dog are gonna love 'em!

  3. Haha you two are so cute.

    I was pretty much exhausted from work this weekend, but I am looking forward to hang out time with my guy on Friday!

  4. Who knew smoking a pipe could be so romantic?! I love it!


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