
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

portland places: southland whiskey kitchen.

I love living in Portland.

It's a fantastic place with a lovely climate, friendly people and delicious food and drinks - what's not to love?

People are always e-mailing me and asking me for suggestions of where to go and what to eat, see and do when they come to visit Portland. People want to see Portland like a local and look beyond the cliche stop at Voodoo Donuts (*side note: if you're visiting Portland, don't waste your time. The donuts aren't that good...unless you don't care how they taste and are just after a donut shaped like a penis or or something else gimicky. Just saying).

So, I was inspired to start this series called: "Portland Places"

I'll share some of my favorites from around town. Favorite restaurants, dessert spots, breakfast joints and boutique shops will all make their appearances.

First up? Southland Whiskey Kitchen.

I went here recently with a group to celebrate a friend's birthday and it was fantastic!

Delicious barbecue and southern style fare. I ordered the Smokestack Sandwich and it was so, SO good...and giant. I gave the other half to Craig who had already eaten a full meal himself. That kid can eat. Anyway, the Smokestack is a great option if you want variety and can't decide on just one thing to eat, because it has their house smoked beef brisket, pulled pork, jalapeno+cheddar sausage, and their house sauce. AMAZING.

I got a Manhattan, because it seemed like I should get something with whiskey in it, but I'm a wuss and can't handle my liquor, so I gave it to Craig. They have about a billion whiskeys though for those who are fans - literally a massive two page menu.

Also, the decor is industrial and homey.

So, to sum it all up. Southland Whiskey Kitchen is awesome and you should go if you live in Portland or even if you're just visiting. The end!



  1. I know I'm one of those people who keeps emailing you :)

    I'm gonna love this series and will be 'starring' every single one of the posts in my google reader. It will come in handy when I go to visit Portland with my hubby. I also hope you tagged the series of easy reference.

  2. This is not going to help me with my lust for Portland, I've always wanted to go!

  3. Oh man, NW 23rd...Jeremy will never be willing to try it.

    And...I must kindly disagree on Voodoo...the ODB donut is delicious, although anything with cereal on it is totally disgusting. Also, totally not worth the wait at the downtown location.

  4. Love this! Can't wait to learn about more places in Portland! We've been thinking about visiting the area (from Ontario, Canada) and this will help us plan. Thanks for sharing. :)

  5. Yay, I like this new series you're starting! I've walked past Southland Whiskey Kitchen several times, and now that I know it's good, I'll have to bring Josh there! He's a big whiskey fan :)

  6. I'm excited to see the reviews of Portland places! I moved from there a few years ago and have a slight inkling to go back. I have to disagree a bit with VooDoo as well; I think if you go when they are fresh and hot, they are awesome. Not necessarily the best donut ever but I will forever love the grape ape :)

  7. We went to a whiskey bar while we were there - Branch I think it was called. It was a cool place. Perhaps I will get the chance to try out this place eventually.. Joel just landed a final interview at Portland State at the end of the month.. He's one of the top two candidates. (Pinch me, I must be dreaming).

  8. Ooh, I must also kindly disagree with you and with Kira. The donut with capn crunch on top? I don't know what it is -- probably my obsession with cap'n crunch -- but I love it! This place looks awesome, too.


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