
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

our year in review...later than everyone else's.

I realize that everyone else shares their year in review blog posts on December 31st or January 1st...

But, I'm not quite that organized, so I'm sharing mine on the 2nd. Blogger fail. But, we've been sick, so I'm ok with it.

This year...

I birthed a human (feel free to read my birth story if you haven't). It was the most challenging, beautiful, raw and amazing experience of my life and the end result was this little squishy faced gem: Fern Winter.

I learned that I need a whole lot less sleep than I once thought. Apparently my baby hates sleeping and wants to hang out with me all the time...even in the middle of the night.

Fought with my husband a lot more, but also fell a whole lot more in love with him too. We celebrated our 5 year wedding anniversary and our first year as parents. We've learned a whole lot and even though life has a lot more challenges, it's so much more full of love.

Quit my day job and became a writer full time. I've been so blessed to be able to work from home. This career change also made me an early riser - waking in the wee hours of the morning to write and drink my daily mocha made by my wonderful husband. A new morning routine that I love.

I loved being a mommy. There are days when I wonder what the heck I was thinking and feel completely ill-equipped for the task, but it's always worth it. I love this little person more than I ever thought possible. Everyone says that, but it's true.

We all made some really great friends...even Fern.

I learned just how amazing my family really is. I have been so blessed with fantastic parents and in-laws who have pitched in and helped out whenever they could to give us breaks and help us navigate this parenthood thing. Fern is a lucky girl to have such wonderful grandparents to dote on her.

2012 has been a great year and I can't wait to see what 2013 brings!

See more of my favorite photo moments from this year here and some of Fern's favorite moments from the year here.

Happy 2013!



  1. beautiful pictures. sorry you guys are still sick. hope you feel better soon!!

  2. i loved this post!
    (and i guess all new parents fought with their partners a lot...)

  3. Fern is so beautiful. It sounds like 2012 was such a great year for y'all. Hope y'all are feeling better soon. xo, Maria

  4. Yup, I'm a late one too. Oh well! Our blog, our own rules, right? I posted mine today, January 3 and I am OK with that. Happy new year!

  5. I love your openness in this post, Lauren. Thank you SO MUCH for being real with us. xoxo

  6. Fern is such a cutie! I loved reading your birth story (and thanks so much for the email with the book recommendations! I have both of the books you recommended and have since started reading them.) :) I am so excited to experience Motherhood this year.

    Happy 2013 to you!!

  7. What a great post! I love looking back at everyone's reflections from the year.

  8. There's nothing that makes a year exciting like birthing a child. She's gotten so big! Look at her stand in that picture.

  9. Loved this Lauren and love that in 2012 we became better friends and of course blog friends that turned into real friends. It has been so special to see Fern and watch her grow. Next step for 2013 ... move to Oregon. LOVE YOU and you never cease to inspire me.


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