
Thursday, January 24, 2013

life lesson #5.

Long ago on this blog I started posting life lessons, but then forgot about them.
But, today, as I learned a particularly important life lesson, I thought I'd bring it back...

Today's life lesson: Not everything is best purchased in bulk.

I love buying things in bulk. Jumbo cases of toilet paper, 6-packs of maple syrup, baby kittens...I'm all for it. It save money and you never have to worry that you'll run out of something in a pinch. BUT...I have learned the hard way that it's not a good idea to buy everything in bulk.

The above deodorant is one I bought at Costco at least 6 months ago for Craig. I'd bought this brand of deodorant before, but not this particular scent. But, it looked manly-smelling, and it was a rocking deal, so I picked up a 6-pack of them and headed home.

That night, Craig swiped some on before bed as he does every night, but on this night, when he crawled into bed, I was met with the most offensive smell I'd smelled in quite some time. This deodorant smells like Teen Spirit, but not in a good way. Super intense and "frou frou"...not the manly pine tree scent I was hoping for and definitely not what I would expect the arctic to smell like. It reminded me of the giant cloud of cologne you have to walk through when you pass an Abercrombie & Fitch store at the mall. So gross.

I told Craig I was throwing it away immediately, but he's so cheap he forbade me and said he fully intended to use it all up because I'd spent good money on it. So, every night for the past 6 months I've had to smell this awful stuff. And there's still one left! This stuff is like the loaves and fishes of deodorant and it just keeps multiplying.

The moral of the story is: don't buy deodorant (or anything else you've never actually tried) in bulk. Worst idea ever. Oh...and also, always try out the scratch and sniff sticker on things. I couldn't smell these because they were packaged in plastic, but apparently there was a scratch and sniff sticker on it that I failed to notice. Ooops.

Fingers crossed that this stuff magically vanishes!



  1. Hahaha! That's hilarious. I have been known to do the same thing - I'll try to be more discerning in the future. It's just so hard to pass up a good deal!

  2. So funny! I'm all about buying in bulk too so this is a good warning!

  3. Best post ever. You guys are funny and that is Craig in a nutshell. ;)

  4. I might regret asking, but is it normal for guys to put on deodorant BEFORE bed? And I say chuck the last one and make up a story for why it's missing!

  5. I hate that! We don't buy most fresh foods in bulk anymore because they would always start to go bad with just 2 of us. I'm pretty sure I would have taken the whole pacakge back and said it smelled bad. My father in law takes back stuff like that to costco all the time.

  6. Lol!! I have an el cheapo hunny, too. He'd so wear it until he used it up instead of spending money.

  7. And this is why I'm glad Izzy insists on us smelling things before we buy them, lol. That sounds awful.

  8. aww funny! i have made the bought something i didnt know if we loved in bulk mistake before too! we ate half a case of snack stuff before both giving in and tossing the rest....not so fun.

  9. Ugh! I hate the awful cologne smell! It's sooo overpowering!


  10. You should secretly shave off a little bit each night so it magically disappears quickly, lol!

  11. Costco is GREAT about returns, I bet you they would take it back! You don't even need a receipt, they look it up off your Costco card.

  12. I've done this exact same thing and it is a bad idea!!

  13. Oh! How terrible! But I just have to say, (not that it's any of my business...I just can't help myself), you guys gotta stop using that stuff!! Do some research on the toxicity of those types of deodorants. Eeeek!! My favorite website for researching products/ingredients is the Environmental Working Group's 'Skin Deep Cosmetics Database'. They have info and health ratings on an endless number of products. Their website is

    And just in case you're wondering :), the deodorant that both my husband and I use, and love is........

    Hope you don't mind my 2 cents!!

    And thanks for your blog!! As a fellow Mamma, I always look forward to reading it. Your little one is ADORABLE!!

  14. OH man. But honestly this post made me laugh. Sorry friend ... it did make me smile. LOVE YOU.

  15. Donate the last unopened one to a homeless shelter. Win-win. You don't have to smell it anymore, and you help someone in need:)

  16. I'm always trying to buy deodorant when there are killer sales for it, but my husband HATES any deodorant that isn't Old Spice (and not just any Old Spice. Must be Pure Sport Old Spice).

    It's like the deodorant wars over here, while he tries to convince me to buy new deodorant and I keep telling him there are four unused sticks of various brands in the drawer (that I got for 10 cents each or whatever).

  17. Oh my goodness, I could not agree more! This stuff stinks. My mom picked it up for my brother and it is awful. My fiance only wears Old Spice so I don't ever have to worry about making sure a new scent will work because he'll never change. Creature of habit.

  18. Ouch. I can understand because there's nothing worse than your man not smelling good. I won't buy any man products unless I can give them the personal sniff test first. Still, this made me giggle a little.


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