
Friday, November 9, 2012

fill in the blank friday.


1.  I like   cute baby animals, Mexican mochas and dressing up - silly, fancy or otherwise   .

2.  A life goal of mine is  to be the kind of woman who my husband and children speak highly of - like the woman in Proverbs 31. I hope that I am the kind of wife that Craig wants to brag to his friends about and the kind of mom and woman that Fern wants to be like one day    .

3.  The last thing you would ever expect me to like (even though I secretly do) is   hardcore rap. It's not the only thing I listen to, but sometimes I kind of love it  .

4. Some wise words that I love are   from my Bible: 1 Peter 4:8 "Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins."  .

5. Most mornings you will find me  cozied up on my couch, snuggled up in a blanket, mocha made by my husband in hand and computer on my lap blogging away .

6. Right now I am super into  ankle booties. I wear them daily. They're perfect dressed up or down and I'm kind of obsessed. Seriously. You need a pair  .

7.  Right now I am super over  politics, "YOLO" and daylight savings time  .

Happy weekend!



  1. I want ankle boots. You must show me a photo of your boots? I need some inspiration!

    And I shocked you like hardcore rap...I would have never guessed.

  2. I was hoping you'd share some of your favorite ankle booties too. And I'm totally over politics and daylight savings too. Enough already. :)

  3. What the heck is a Mexican mocha? It sounds like something I'd like!

  4. hi Lauren! I found you through (Motormouth) Macey :) and loved this so much I had to join in!

    heh, hardcore rap... I can dig it ;)

  5. ha ha! love this & love rap : ]


  6. Love this one, good stuff. I need to keep that passage about being a noble wife closer to my heart. Totally with you on number 7!

  7. This is a wonderful idea! I also found you through Motormouth, Spabettie, and PDXmomma. Thanks!

  8. I agree with you on so many things here. Particularly #7! :p So tired of YOLO. SO tired...


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