
Monday, November 12, 2012

fern's first sleepover...and a giveaway winner.

Last night was the first time 
I spent the night away from my baby and the first 
decent night's sleep I've gotten in almost 10 months.
(*technically 19 months if you want to count the time she was in utero and I got crap sleep too.)

I thought I would be super stoked about it. I've been dying for a good night's sleep.
But mostly I was just super emotional and there were definitely tears on and off throughout the evening. I knew she was in good hands staying with my mom and dad - her Grammy & Grampy - and I doubt she was as emotional about it as I was.

I guess I just missed her lovely little face.

Even though she gets up like four times every night and I feel like a walking zombie half the time, I still treasure our middle of the night snuggles. I guess I just didn't realize it 'til they were gone. Perhaps this little bit of time away will give me a new appreciation for her and a new attitude toward these middle of the night wake ups. This is just a season of life and one day - as crazy as it sounds - I'm going to miss it.

I'm headed out soon to go pick her up, so I'm off!

But, before I go - here's the winner for the Mamas & Papas highchair giveaway chosen by

Send me an e-mail so I can get your highchair shipped out to you!

And thank you to all who entered! Apparently mama/baby product giveaways have a big draw on here, so be on the lookout for more to come!

Hope you have a lovely Monday!



  1. I hope you had a good night even though it was hard to be away from your litte one.

  2. Awwww, you missed her! How could you not?

  3. I think that even thought moms dream about goodnights of sleep again, it can't be achieved. Our babies turn into our little buddies and we miss them when we aren't around them.


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