
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

what's cookin good lookin.

In the past couple of months I've finally settled
back into a routine of making dinner regularly.

For awhile it was quite a challenge to balance the tasks of motherhood and the tasks of working from much so that my house was a disaster and meals were a sorry state (unless Craig cooked, which was pretty much always).

But, now I'm getting back on the horse so to speak
and here are a couple of meals I've made as of late...

This was delicious and the crust was the best part...more like a cobbler rolling out the dough and no bottom, which means a few less calories and a LOT less work.  This was a win.

It really was the best lasagna ever...or at least the best lasagna recipe I've ever made, although I did make some tweaks (*added onions and 2 extra cloves of garlic, used fresh parsley instead of dry, used 1/2 cottage cheese and 1/2 ricotta cheese instead of just cottage cheese, and also used shredded cheeses and fresh parmesan cheese instead of the dried stuff in a shaker). Delish! And there were leftovers for day, which is saying something, because my husband usually eats so much that leftovers don't happen.

This was UH-MAY-ZING! Got rave reviews from Craig. Make it. Now.

What have you been cooking lately?
I need suggestions!

....Preferably healthy'ish suggestions that aren't vegetarian...that doesn't fly in our house living with a ravenous carnivore :(.



  1. ooh the roasted red pepper and goat cheese alfredo sounds SO GOOD. We need to eat together more often ;)

  2. I have to make the roasted red pepper and goat cheese alfredo. It sounds delicious!

    I love cooking and share a lot of recipes on my blog ( :)

  3. I love PW's Lasagna! It is SO good. Then again I haven't met a PW recipe I have't liked. I suggest her chicken with lemon pasta recipe. It isn't necessarily healthy, but it is so, so good.

  4. This is one of my favorite food blogs:

    She's funny, the recipes are easy, delicious, and decidedly not vegetarian (except for meatless mondays). check it out! The chipotle lime shrimp are DIVINE!

  5. I made a breakfast hash yesterday with turkey sausage so it was healthy and delicious... recipe's on my blog!


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