
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

a few things i'm loving lately.

I feel like I've been a terrible blogger lately...
and I miss you guys! So, I wanted to drop in and 
share a few things I've been loving lately!

I've been going to bed a little earlier so I can read 
and while it makes me feel kind of old, I really do enjoy it!

Getting up early and drinking lattes a'la Craig while I have (at least) an hour all to myself. It's glorious and I've been surprisingly less tired since I started getting up earlier. Weird. Also...loving modern love notes. This is one I sent to Craig the other day for being my personal barista. Although, I must say his coffees are way better than the ones at a coffee shop, because there's love in them :).

Sangria and birthday dinners with friends. 
Also...can I just say that post baby...I am a light weight. 
I drank like 1/4th of this sangria before deciding it was too much for me.

Babies in wagons.
This is Fern's friend Tallulah who is only a few days younger than her. Tallulah's mama and I were co-workers and went through pregnancy together so it's really fun getting our girls together and catching up on all the fun new things that they are doing!


That's what I've been up to!

Hope you are all having a great week!



  1. Aw! That's so sweet about your husband's coffee!
    Oh my goodness, sangria gets my in trouble.
    And I am in love with the name Tallulah!

  2. lauren, i just finished love does. so wonderful and inspiring! i couldn't put it down!
    p.s. fern in that wagon is just too cute!

  3. I just finished reading Love Does a week or so ago. It's sooo good! I've been meaning to write about it but it's so hard to because it's just so darn good.

    p.s. that salad looks yummy and babies are definitely adorable in little red wagons. :)


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