
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

we've got a teether.

This little lady has been a sad, little wreck.

There's been lots of teething happening and I hate it. I'm sure I hate it even more than she does, because I can't stand seeing her in breaks my heart. The worst part about all this teething business though is that despite all the pain Fern hasn't actually gotten any teeth! I keep thinking that one will pop through every night and then nothing happens and the teething continues. Sometimes we'll get a random good day in there, but lately there's been quite a lot of pain :(.

Pray that that stubborn little tooth shows its face!



  1. My little girl, Avrie, hasnt gotten her teeth either. Shes 7 months and has been teething since 3 months! :( its heartbreaking. I'm sure you've tried everything, but we get Hylands tablets and gel for when we're out. Then at home we do breastmilk cubes (frozen breastmilk in an ice tray). She either holds it or there's this thing that looks like a binky but there's a net you can put the cubes in. So sorry hope her teeth pop through soon.

  2. Poor baby! Once the first ones come through it gets better. She's too cute though in the hoodie :)

  3. What an adorable picture! I love reading your updates on Fern, as she's only about two weeks older than my little girl.

  4. We are going through the same thing with our son! He has been teething since he was about 3 1/2 months and now he's 7 months. He has been very miserable lately and I keep looking for a white peak to show itself, but nothing yet. :(
    Good luck and I hope your little cutie feels better!!!

    Following from

  5. She is just adorable.


  6. Teething sucks. Evy is still teething, at 25 months she only has 5 teeth! She dint get her first one til about 8 months!! It's so sad/tiring!!! Poor babers. Fern has a good mama to take care of her when she's in pain :)

  7. I feel your pain - and empathize with hers. When my now 7 year old daughter was teething she was a mess. Runny nose, fever, crying at the drop of a pin. She is, and always has been, the happiest person I know so it was always icky to see her like that. One thing that I did that seemed to help - depending on where Fern is in eating solids - is giving her frozen stuff. Pedialyte freezies (or regular Mr. Freeze freezies - as she was my fourth child!) with pin holes in the wrapper to entice her to keep munching on them. The cold worked really well. Good luck! :o)


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