
Thursday, September 13, 2012

fill in the blank friday.

Happy Friday!

Hope you've had a fabulous week!
And now to wind down the work week with some Fill in the Blank Friday action!

1.  Right now the weather where I live is     perfect. Cool and crisp, but sunny - definitively "fall" weather. The mornings are a little chilly, but the weather is in the 70's. Totally perfect and I wish it could stay like this forever   .

2.  The best piece of advice I've been given is  "Trust your mama instincts. You alone are Fern's mommy and no one knows what is best for her more than you do." This was advice from a friend and it really helped me during a time when I was struggling to figure out how to be a mama at the beginning     .

3.  My most favorite person in all the world is    my husband. Fern is a close second. It's hard to rank them, but I always want to make sure to put Craig first so that I don't lose sight of our marriage and so we can model for Fern what a good and healthy marriage looks like. I think that is one of the most important gifts that we can give her. That said, I'm pretty crazy about our little girl too :) .

4. If I were to have a "mission statement" for my life, it would be    "Seeking to love others (with God's help!) and live a life that will reflect Jesus." I'm not perfect, but I really hope that my conduct can show others that Christians are loving and kind and not judgmental. We're just imperfect like everyone else, but trying to figure it out as we go .

5. My most favorite item in my closet is  a heathered grey cardigan. It's nothing fancy, but I love it nonetheless...pretty sure I wear it every day. Also my Hunter rain boots. I'll love them forever .

6. The best cure for a bad day is  coffee. Coffee makes everything better  .

7.  Today is   full of possibility!   .

Hope you all have a lovely weekend!



  1. Love your "mission statement"! Couldn't have said it better myself. Happy Friday!

  2. I hope you have a great weekend!! Thank you for always doing this link-up. It brings a smile to my face. I did not know that you were a christian. that is so cool :) Blessings!

  3. and yes coffee is always great for any mood!

  4. Love the blog and the fill in the blank fridays!

  5. Great blanks this week :) Enjoyed writing my post!

  6. I love you and I love your answers. Also, I look up to you. Also also, I love your answer about who your favorite person is and WHY he is your favorite person before Fern. xoxo

  7. I had the same answer for #2. My mom always tells me to trust my instincts when it comes to my daughter. And coffee can most definitely cure a bad day. It's such a pick me up.
    I'm linking up for the first time :)

  8. Enjoyed linking up this week :) Hope you have a great weekend!!

  9. I love that advice, it is so true. :)

  10. Coffee is the best cure for a lot of things!


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