
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

a crazy busy exhausting weekend.

The weekend is over.
And I am still recuperating.

I spent the weekend running around like a crazy person for my brother-in-law and my now sister-in-law's wedding.  I styled the event - did all the decor and flowers for a large property and it turned out beautifully, but it was incredibly exhausting to do it all while balancing a baby and her schedule.  My entire week was spent doing prep and Fern spent a lot of time with my mom as her personal nanny...I pretty much only got to spend time with her in the mornings and at nap and bed time for nursing purposes. She was in good hands, but I definitely missed her.  Sunday after the wedding I did absolutely nothing but nap and cuddle with Fern. My house was a disaster (seriously SO bad!), but I didn't even care. I took like 4 naps and we had Pad Thai take out for dinner and watched a movie and it was perfect.

I'll post pictures of the decor tomorrow, but for now, here's a photo of Fern with the bride and the groom!

Hope you had a great long weekend!



  1. The bride and groom look beautiful, looking forward to seeing the rest of the photos! and pad Thai mmmmmm

  2. Holy man, sounds crazy! The bride looked beautiful and I'm sure you did a really amazing job!


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