
Thursday, August 30, 2012

fill in the blank friday.

Fill in the Blank Friday

And I remembered to inclue a link this time!!

1.  Over this labor day weekend I will be     a busy bee running around for my brother-in-law's wedding!   .

2.  With the political debates going on right now, my thoughts are  can't we all just get along? I'm pretty moderate in my political leanings and I just want to hear what the candidates really think and not just what their party agrees with     .

3.  Today    I am sort of dreading the busyness of this weekend  .

4. The best thing I've cooked recently was    this roasted red pepper and goat cheese alfredo pasta and of course these amazing banh mi sandwiches .

5. The last thing I bought was  a pair of Levi's...actually multiple pairs because they actually fit and one of the pairs was for Craig .

6. The best movie I saw this summer was  Moonrise Kingdom. That's also because it was one of the only movies I saw...we don't get out much these days ;)  .

7.  The best book I read this summer was   Uuuuhhhh...books? Yeah right. I haven't read a book since pregnancy. Maybe one of these days I'll get some free time away from grabby baby hands and blogging duties and actually do some reading!   .

Happy weekend friends!



  1. Banh mi are the greatest! There is this cute little place near my mom's house that makes the perfect banh mi with soft buns, crunchy veggies and flavorful fillings... I haven't been there in years and now I'm absolutely dying for one! YUM!

  2. Have fun at your brother-in-law's wedding! :)

  3. That alfredo sounds amazing :) I love weddings! Have fun!!!

  4. That pasta sounds delicious! Hope you get a chance to read soon. =)

  5. I totally forgot I made that until I saw your answer! It was hands down one of the best dishes from last week:)

  6. 1. I wanna see your new Levi's! I need new jeans too... 2. sorry your weekend is so busy! looking forward to resuming our hangout sesh time SOON! 3. Do not forget to read "Love Does"! Love you Friend :)

  7. I so agree with you about politics. I would prefer to vote for someone because of how THEY feel, no how their political party feels. And I really think that the negative ads should be illegal.


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