
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

new portland favorite: bollywood theater.

I feel so lucky to live in Portland: 
Land of Delicious Food.

One of my most recent Portland culinary discoveries was  Bollywood Theater.

I went to dinner there with my mother-in-law and sister-in-law-to-be last week and I was definitely impressed.

We tried a little bit of everything....

But, my favorite was the Kati Roll.

I also got this to drink:

And, the decor was super cute!  The vibe was fun and they project old black & white, silent, Indian movies on the wall.  It seemed authentic and was just a fun place to hang out.

The line was a bit long, but totally worth it.  Everything was so flavorful and I can't wait to go again!  

If you're in Portland you should definitely check out Bollywood Theater!

Portland friends...have you tried any new restaurants lately?  
Any you'd recommend?



  1. That looks like such an adorable little place to eat! Everything sounds delicious as well. :)

  2. Hmm sounds interesting/ looks good! Salt & straw is right next door right?

  3. The last time my sister was here we had breakfast at Tasty's and Sons. It was in NE Portland by the Nike outlet store off of MLK. They specialize in organic stuff and it was very yummy food.

  4. Papri Chaat is my favorite! And that mango lassi looks really good. What an awesome find!

  5. jealous of all the food options you have available there! hoping to visit portland next fall :)

  6. I haven't heard of this before but it looks and sounds delicious!

  7. Smallwares on NE 46th & Fremont. For the adventurous eaters! Fried Kale & Fish Sauce, Poached egg in masago dashi. Inventive, imaginative, and unique food.

  8. That drink looks really good. I have never heard of this place, will have to check it out!

  9. I wanna go here! and I want that drink right now!

  10. Portland seems to have such great food...especially food trucks. I need to go there for a visit asap. I even made a resto bucket list on my blog so I can remember all the restos I want to visit in different cities.


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