
Thursday, June 21, 2012

life lessons for fern #4.

Dear Fern,

As you go through life you will unfortunately be bombarded with messages about beauty.  Our media portrays a standard of beauty that has been photoshopped beyond recognition and is completely unattainable.  Websites and magazines and TV shows...they'll all seek to convince you that you are inadequate.

But I want you to know that...

You are beautiful.

You probably won't always believe me when I tell you this as you get older; you'll think that I "have to say that", because I'm your mom, but it will always be true.  You may not always have perfect hair or be a models size, but that is not where true beauty lies.  Beauty is in your heart and in the way you treat others.  I have known many women and girls who while beautiful on the outside are ugly on the inside because they are mean people.

I pray for you always that you will be a beautiful girl on the inside.  I pray that you will be kind and gentle-hearted and sweet.  I pray that you will be the kind of girl who marches to the beat of her own drummer and who stands up for others.  I pray that you will be confident, but not vain.  I hope that you learn to love yourself and to find contentment in who you are while still striving to be the best you can be.

Please don't let others define you're beauty, because no one can put you in a box but you.


This post is sponsored by Disney Baby. I'll be joining the Disney Baby blogging team next month, and look forward to sharing these kinds of stories (projects/ideas/etc) with you over there! Stay tuned for more details!


  1. I am so proud if the beautiful young woman that you have become. You have learned well what your mama would try to teach you, "Beauty In, Beauty Out"...It makes my heart so very happy to know that you are wanting to teach your daughter this also. Fern will learn this lesson quickly because her Beautiful Mama will be the best example of beautiful which she will ever see. Love, Your Mama

  2. I just had to get seriously caught up on your blog! Your little fern is such a stinking adorable baby! I love reading about how your life has changed with the addition of her to your family.

  3. She is beautiful and perfect in every way no lie :) You are a great mom its awesome :)

  4. Beautiful Lauren. I look at my little guy now and hope that he always knows how special and loved he is, because it's true.

  5. I think this is one of the most important thing we can teach little girls as they grow up - that no matter what they look like they are special, unique and beautiful.

    Fern is lucky to have such a great mom.

  6. Probably one of THEE most valuable lessons you could possibly teach your baby girl!

  7. I love your life lessons for Fern. Especially this one! She is so blessed to have such a beautiful mom. Inside and out!

  8. With you as her Mama and guide, I think Miss Fern is going to be one heckuva sweet girl. I love reading your "Life Lessons" posts for her!

  9. your lessons for fern are so touching. my blakely is 7 months and i am not good with words, like you. thanks for these cause they serve for lessons for us too.

    sorry about caps, one hand typing with a sleeping girl in my arms.


  10. Amen! What a great Mom Fern has!


  11. Great post. I have been thinking a lot about my own beauty this week so this post was at a perfect timing. you have a beautiful baby girl. I have loved watching her grow over the months on the blog. Blessings to you and your precious family and thanks so much for the encouragement of this post!

  12. So in love with this Lauren. Are you saving these life lessons for Fern besides on your blog? Haha, I'm sure you've thought of that; I'm just so excited that sweet Fern has a momma who lifts her up in prayer to the throne room of our King and loving Father. This is so beautiful. Oh I love this.

  13. What a beautiful letter to your little girl. Nothing is more important than the unconditional love of your parents and your little girl surely has that in you :)

  14. beautiful post. great words of wisdom for her... and so important! :)

  15. Such a good word Mama! Fern is so lucky to have you!

  16. beautiful, beautiful post lauren! i pray the same for our future daughter (if God blesses us with one).

  17. oh, sweet mama love! This makes my heart swoon. Fern is so blessed to have you as a beautiful example in her life:-) xoxo

  18. What a lucky girl! She will treasure your words to her and be proud to have a wise mother like you.

  19. This totally warmed my heart. It's so sweet that you have these little life lessons on here. It's beautiful and one day she'll love them :)


  20. I too think instilling this important message on beauty and being good on the inside starts very young in girls. Good job at capturing the complexity of this topic in such a sweet way.

  21. Lauren, this is super sweet :)

  22. Loved this post Lauren. I've been thinking about similar things for my upcoming little one. Thanks for sharing.

    Defining Tabitha


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