
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

i'm officially old.

The other day I realized something:

What caused this realization you might ask?

Was it the fact that I'm now firmly rooted in mid-twentiness with a husband and a baby and a dog and a house and the fact that I get super excited about the sheer prospect of going to the grocery store alone?


It was because I had to use Urban Dictionary twice....
in the same week.

Someone I know used the phrase "YOLO" on Facebook and then on Instagram someone used the hashtag #murderedout.  What the heck is yolo and and why would someone use a hashtag about murder?  In case you're wondering:

1.  YOLO
      Acronym for You Only Live Once.  Mainly used to defend doing something ranging rom mild to
      extreme stupidity.

2.  Murdered Out
     Flat black/matte black paint job/rims...headlights, tail lights, windows need to be blacked out as
     well, no gloss can be on the car...

I remember back in the day when people were saying "da bomb!", "hella" and "whassup?"  Sad but true.

Also sad but 10 year high school reunion is next month.  
I'm having some pretty serious denial about this and trying my hardest to avoid it.

Have any of you had a "feeling old moment"?



  1. Oh my goodness - if you think 25 is old then I am positively ancient! You are still incredibly young. So stop worrying and enjoy your youth while you still have it :). xo

  2. I learned something new today...Thanks! We sound like we are about the same age so I guess I'm in your same boat!

  3. ha! My hubby most be "old" too then because his 10 year is also coming up!! Can it really be that it was 9 years ago that he and I met?! No...! And btw, I had NO idea the 2nd thing you mentioned! lol. If you haven't seen it, here's a great video on YOLO that will make you laugh. And maybe not feel so "old" ;-)

  4. One of the younger lads in our Connect Group at church introduced us to what YOLO meant and then we kept trying to use it in sentences but they were getting more and more sillier. Like there was one biscuit left and someone offered it to another person and they were like "Yeah go on YOLO!" which made us all laugh really loud.

    My old moment was watching Fresh Prince of Bel Air - our foster son has gone mad for it and so it watches it like everyday when he can. As much as I felt old because I was about his age when I first watched it - I feel even worse because I can rap the title song (Who can't) but he think it's awesome that I know all the words lol.

  5. I'm 23 and had to look up what yolo meant, too. My 19 year old brother laughs at me when I ask what things mean. At least we have urban dictionary when our kids start talking in slang and we have no idea what they mean :)

  6. Oh gosh if you're old ...

    I think I've always felt 'old' in the sense I never got and or used slang - I was not that cool... but I guess my 'Feel old' moment would probably be when I see my young cousins on Instagram and Facebook posing in mini skirts and high heels and pouting like Miley Cyrus for the camera and thinking ... gosh, when I was their age I would NEVER have behaved like that...

    That makes me feel old.

  7. Hahahahaha this may just be my favorite post ever! I'd totally have to look those up too so I'm old with you...actually speaking of old I just realized that the big 3-0 is next year. UGH!

  8. I always feel old. The pitfall of being married to a younger man and his bonding with the younger guys at his work. If it makes you feel better, I had to double check on YOLO. I kind of guessed what it meant, but I wasn't sure.

  9. I believe one of the first ones was when it was Friday night and I decided the perfect activity was to go to Bed Bath and Beyond and get a new cutting board :-)

  10. I am 23 and I didn't know what YOLO meant until someone explained it to me! and murdered out? uh.. that's just weird. I will stick with waasssuuupp and "that's cool" haha as for feeling old? I have gray hair and my youngest sister just graduated high school. i am in complete denial.

  11. lol..oh yes. I realized it when I had to say 'I use to cheer in college...oh when? It's been 11 years ago." and when I start to realize I am getting excited about buying a new vacuum or lawn mower.

  12. NOOOO you are so so young! It's all about your heart! And the fact that you looked the words up on urban dictionary says something about not being old ;) ...I tend to have the opposite moments where I cringe at feeling too young!

  13. I think both those terms are hella stupid. (See what I did there?)

    No, seriously, they are ridiculous sounding terms. Especially YOLO. It's basically carpe diem for stupid people. :P

  14. You're simply hilarious with YOLO and stuff and your being old silliness :)
    And have I ever had one of those? Hmm..yap, many times and then I laughed at them. In fact I'm still laughing right now cause when you get old you lose control on your facial muscles, he he.


  15. It's funny... I knew what both of those things meant, but I blogged about feeling old a few weeks ago. My babysitter didn't know that Gwen Stefani used to be in a band. And THAT made me feel old. Very old.

  16. I have definitely never heard those expressions before. My ten year reunion is this year too! So surreal.

  17. Yup,I do..sometimes I did feeling old and unhealthy!! But shopping make me feeling young again.

    Your follower,Josephine.

  18. My baby sisters (twins!) went to prom last week and are graduating next week. That is making me feel ancient! Often I ask them what certain slang means because I'm not as cool as I used to be.

  19. haha love this. as a Young Life leader I have to use urban dictionary allll the time. Trolling (which means to stalk?? i'm still unclear) and YOLO were my most recent look ups. as well as S/O (which just means shout out.. haha)

  20. not till now! ha i didnt know what either of those meant either! i just found out what smh was. kids these days:)

  21. My students are always "teaching" me the new lingo, and it ALWAYS makes me feel so old!

  22. Yeah, I work with kids that are 10 years younger than me and they say stuff and I say "huh."

    One of them didn't know what The Thong Song was. How is that possible?

  23. Yes, I know the feeling. My revelation came when I was playing telephone with my daughter on old cell phones and I made the phone go "ring ring" to call her. She looked at me like I was crazy. It was then I realized that phones don't go "ring ring" anymore. Instead, they play fun sounds or play songs. Yep, I'm old. I remember when phones actually rang. I was just thinking I needed to blog about that...

  24. This is so funny! Someone said "murdered out" a couple of months ago and I googled it later. So, you are not along. Also, I had no idea what the other one was either.

  25. Well, my dear, you are in the prime of life. I will be 60 next month and I am truly feeling old and rightfully so. :o) Enjoy this time, just as I am and always remember, the older you get, the wiser you become. It "ain't" all bad. Blessings!

  26. I also had to google YOLO a month or two ago when I saw it all over facebook. (I used to do youth ministry, so I have lots of old students on there. They used to keep me hip!)

  27. I'm 29 and go to school with a bunch of 22 year olds, who use "like," "totally," and "legit" more than actual nouns and verbs. So yes, I feel old everyday.

    When I first started dating The Lawyer, one of my good med. school friends asked how old he was. I said he was 30, and before thinking, she blurted out, "OMG, he's, like, SO OLD!" I gave her a raised eyebrow and she followed it up with, "Oh yeah, but like, you are too. You guys are like grown-ups and stuff."

    We are "grown-ups and stuff." :)

  28. Every single day.
    The most recent time was last week when the doctor asked me "How old are you?" and I had to do the math.

    After a certain point, you do stop keeping track. I never believed that before.

    Oh, also when we were explaining to our kids that we learned how to type on typewriters, and they didn't know what they were....

  29. Yep, knowing our high school reunion is coming up soon has made me feel soooo old. That, and knowing I'll be 30 in two years. I'm currently attempting to live in denial of both those facts.

  30. Oh my! I'm not even old and I feel old. I've seen the hashtag #YOLO and never knew what it was until now. Facepalm!

  31. I literally *just* looked up YOLO before I read this post because someone posted the hastag YOLO on Facebook. So I guess that makes me officially old as well ;)

  32. this happened to me the other day, Lauren! I had to ask one of my hipper coworkers "what does SMH mean?" (I had seen it on a few facebook posts from people I went to highschool with) I could tell from context it was disapproving ... but I thought it was like a sound effect like "pssshhh". Turns out it stands for Shaking My Head!

  33. My feeling old moment - seeing sun spots on my hand. I have grandma hands now.

  34. I feel old when I see my gray hairs. Think about my baby brother graduating high school. Look at my house, baby, pets, non-husband. Use the internet to look up craft instructions and find sewing machines and crock pots. Take a nonstep-son or niece to school or sports practice.


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