
Monday, May 28, 2012

the blessing of friendship.

I was thinking the other day about that moment when you know you're meant to be friends with someone. 


It's a little bit different with every person...a little different with every friend.  I feel like with some friends it's a collection of many little moments and with others you kind of just know right from the start.  But often there comes a moment when you stop and think: "We were meant to be friends."

This happened the other day while I was at a restaurant with my friend Becca and the place where we were eating at was playing a selection of terrible 90's music.  But, all of a sudden we both found ourselves singing along.  And we both knew all of the EVERY song.  TLC, Savage Garden, Alanis Morrisette...we knew them all.  And it was that moment when I knew we were meant to be friends.  

Obviously our love for lame 90's music is not the only reason we are friends, but it will definitely prove useful if we ever should find ourselves on a road trip together, although our husbands have already forbidden any such road trip singing unless we agree to go alone or we get a vehicle where the front and the back can be separated by a sound barrier :).

On a more serious note though....
I am so thankful for good friends.

God has blessed me with such wonderful friends.  Especially during this challenging new season of life with a baby, I have gained a new appreciation for the friendships in my life.  I have so many wonderful friends: friends who I can be silly with, friends who I can be real with, friends who I can cry with, friends who I can share my joys with.  Those of you who have walked alongside me and taken part in life with me, you know who you are and I just want you to know that I am so grateful for you.

Sorry for all the sentimentality, 
but sometimes you've just gotta gush.



  1. Forever friends should always be celebrated. This is such a sweet post.

  2. Hey, being thankful for good friends is no small deal! It is a HUGE blessing to have trues friends! Thanks for the reminder to not take them for granted.


  3. You know what is truly amazing to me? It's the blessing of a winderful forever friendship that we share now. I wouldn't trade it for anything. God made us mother and daughter first...and then came a wonderful friendship. What a treasure! I can't wait until you and Fern get to have a wonderful friendship. What a blessing that will be!

  4. Lol I grew up on 90's music and I love it!
    Cute post. :)

    Bye, bye, bye... (get it?? Haha)

  5. What a sweet post and yes, friendship is such a blessing in our lives. And, as they say, we can have a lot of aquaintances throughout our lives, but very few close friends. Blessings to you!

  6. Aw, this made me all sappy! True friends are awesome!

  7. Aww thanks friend...I actually was just coming to grab the link to your blog for my post...stating that we are amazing for remering all those awesome songs. :) You are sweet, annnnnddd I think we should start a secret fund for our sound barrier car! Craig could always put in a sound barrier for us right? ;)

  8. Love this because it's so true! It's hard to find these types of friendships because they have to just happen. I think I've finally learned to stop forcing friendships - it always just has to happen naturally. The best ones do! :D

  9. Sweet post. :) Good friends are hard to find, but when you do you know they'll always be there.

  10. True friends will always be there for you and even if you go through a rough patch, you some manage to somehow make your way back to each other. I have lost some friends lately throughout the years and although I miss them, I know that things may never be the same (but I am glad we can be civil when we see each other-sometimes you just grow apart). But the remaining friends I have...I will treasure their friendship forever.

    I love that feeling when you just connect with someone and find out that you have many things in common (especially random tidbits). It's nice also when you realize that it's a start to a beautiful blooming friendship.


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