
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

something you may not know about me.

Something you may not know about me is....

That I like wine.
White wine.
Sweet, white wine.

I'm pretty specific like that.

The other day I discovered a new favorite:
J.W. Morris 2011 Moscato

It's my new favorite for three reasons:

1.  They carry it at Trader Joe's which is like two minutes from my house.
2.  It was only $3.99, but was just as tasty as my usual $12 bottle (oh yeah...I'm a big spender people).
3.  It tastes like candy....delicious, heavenly candy.

Go buy a bottle.
You can thank me later.



  1. I love sweet white wines too! I will definitely be keeping by eye out for this one next time we are at Trader Joes!

  2. Thanks for the tip, Lauren. You are as sweet as that wine and I'd go buy it right away if I didn't quit drinking more than 3 years ago :)


  3. Hahaha I don't drink but I always think of you wineos on Pinterest with the ammmaaazing wine-related ideas! There are some beautiful diy decor ones with the corks! (like gluing them together to make a big monogram letter to put on the wall!) I photographed a wedding for a couple last summer who loved wine so much they made it the theme for the wedding! The colors were burgundy and white! They had GORGEOUS decor, held it at a winery, and had custom wine glasses as favors! How cool, huh?! You enjoy yourself now!! ;-)

  4. I just discovered Moscato, period. I've been drinking Barefoot's. However I'm looking out for this next trip to Trader Joe's. :)

  5. looove Moscato!
    I will have to try that one soon

  6. Totally going to stop at Trader Joe's on the way home from Izzy's!

    You should try the Cupcake brand wine. Mmmm. So yummy.

  7. Yum! I love sweet white wine! But I love in PA and grocery stores can't sell alcohol lol

  8. Moscatto is always delicious. I haven't come across one that I don't absolutely love! :)


  9. Ooh, I'll have to try that! I love sweet white wine too. Have you tried the moscato by Barefoot? I think it's only $6 a bottle, and it's awesome. (And at Fred Meyer!)

  10. Maybe if it tastes like candy I'd like it? Prob not but maybe I'll try a sip next time were over ;)

  11. Moscato is my absolute favorite!!! I'm pretty excited to find this...and for only $3.99 that might turn me into a wino.



  12. I love wine from Trader Joes. It is good but it is also cheap.

  13. I too love sweet white wine! I shop at trader Joe's. I will have to look for this next time I go!

  14. Oh my goodness, you have to try Oak Knoll Niagara. You can find it at any grocery store. Have it ice cold. It is pure magic.

  15. Ummm you must try Oak Knoll Niagara Falls. Ice Cold. Magic. You can find it at like a Safeway or Fred Meyer

  16. I love a sweet white wine myself :) I am going to have to pick up a bottle next time I go to the sotre!

    <3 Jamie

  17. this is my mother-in-law's favorite. we always have it in the house when she comes to visit. i like white wine too- but usually dry whites. i am making a white sangria this weekend for book club. and it calls for st. germain. i'll let you know how it goes.

  18. Ooh yay! I'm the same way with wine. I always want to like it but rarely find one that's not dry and sweet enough for me to enjoy. I'll be checking this guy out, $3.99, gotta love Traders!


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