
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

m-i-c...see you real soon!

I tried to give you a little hint of 
what was to come with the title of this post

If you never watched "The Mickey Mouse Club" as a kid, then you probably didn't pick up on it.  Sorry if you didn't - both because you probably thought I was random and weird and also because you missed out on the awesomeness that was Justin and Britney on the MMC (*Note: by awesomeness, I really meant awkwardness).  But, I digress.

The point of this post is to let you know that starting next month I am going to be blogging over at Disney Baby!

(Look how excited Marley looks about it!
No really.  That's her excited face.)

Throughout the month I'll be doing some posts to give you a sample of the type of blog posts you'll be able to read from me over at Disney Baby and at the end of the post, you'll see this:

*This post is sponsored by Disney Baby. I'll be joining the Disney Baby blogging team next month, and look forward to sharing these kinds of stories (projects/ideas/etc) with you over there! Stay tuned for more details!

You may have noticed this at the end of my post yesterday, so I thought I'd explain it so I didn't leave you confused.  Also, you may be seeing a few more baby-related posts here than usual for the next month (I usually save those for Babble) and I just wanted to let you know that this is just to give you an idea of what you can expect from me over at Disney Baby.  So, to you non-baby-havers, please don't give up on me...I promise that this blog won't be turning into the 24/7 baby show...maybe just a sometimes baby show, since you know...I do have a baby now after all ;).

Thanks for reading along with me my lovelies!



  1. CONGRATS LAUREN from your non baby friend who hopes to have a bundle of joy oh so soon. And, your readers would never give up on you :) we are here to say CONGRATS!!!!! XO!

  2. Well, I'm way past the "baby stuff" but who doesn't love MICKEY! I have 3 stuffed Mickey's here for my precious Grans.

    All the best in your new endeavor and I'll look forward to reading along!

  3. Woo hoo that is so exciting!!! What a fun thing to do! I'm a Disney lover as well so I cannot WAIT to read it :)


  4. I hope Marley is wearing those Mickey Mouse ears when we come to visit. That would make all my dreams come true.

    Also, congrats on scoring a sweet gig on Disney Baby. You're probably going to be the next Brittany Spears. Uhh... I meant that only in the "so famous" sense. Not in any other way.

  5. Congratulations Lauren, that's awesome!

  6. Congratulations that's really awesome and your dog had me cracking up lol.

  7. Congratulations, dear Lauren!
    I will definitely follow you! Like...anywhere...everywhere!!!
    And no, I'm not a stalker, just a crazy mommy, hehehe.

  8. Wow- congratulations!!! What a huge honor! I will definitely be follwing along! :-)

  9. Hi Lauren! I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award :)

  10. hoooooooray! you go glen coco!:-)

  11. You have a beautiful German Shepard. I grew up always have German Shepards as pets. :)


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