
Thursday, May 24, 2012

fill in the blank friday.

Happy Friday friends!!
Time for some blanking!

1.  The best surprise ever would be,   a surprise vacation. It would be so awesome to have no idea where you were going and be whisked away. Although, I'm such a planner that if Craig did this, I would probably be screwed because i regularly schedule my life out 2-3 weeks. should see my iPhone calendar - it's kind of ridiculous    .

2.      The moments after Fern was born   is my most favorite memory .

3.  The hardest, but most worthwhile thing I've ever done was     having a family - a marriage and a baby are quite a lot of work. Also, breastfeeding. I actually just wrote about this  .

4.  The best part of my day is   the time when Craig gets home and we get to hang out for a bit before Fern goes to bed. It's kind of crazy sometimes when I stop and think about the fact that I am a mom and a wife. It's something I always wanted, but it's still a bit surreal at times when I think about it  .

5. Something I like that most people don't is       mustard on my french fries .

6. Something I am willing to fight for is     my marriage and my faith  .

7.  Something you might not know about me is   that I am a ballet, gymnastics, tap, and piano drop out  .

Happy weekend!



  1. How do I leave the list on my page so it is all linked up?? message me back at

  2. Love this. Fighting for your marriage and your faith are the most worthy causes out there.


  3. I don't like surprises, BUT a surprise vacation right now would be AMAZING!

  4. New follower! :) Linking up!


  5. This is so adorable!! I just found your blog this morning and I'm so happy I did! Definitely going to have to link up with you next time you do this!

    Happy friday!
    Newest bloggy friend/follower/stalker ;)


  6. I can't think too hard about me being a wife and mother! HAHA! I still think that I am 18 and can't be adult enough to have a husband and children. It is too weird sometimes. And totally awesome!

  7. Well I know why we are friends I am a ballet drop out and love mustard on my fries!! Great blanks Lauren. XO!

  8. Like you I think that a surprise vacation would be great in theory but I'm such a planner it could totally freak me out too!

  9. Great questions and great answers! So good to hear a young person like yourself say that her marriage and faith are worth fighting for. Good for you!

    Yes, being a wife and Mother are both extremely hard and sometimes exhausting!

    Blessings to you!

  10. Fact: You and Craig make such an amazing couple and please never ever let go of this man! You both seem to be just lovely and yes, marriage is hard work and it won't be easy all the time, but in the end it will all be worth it. Cherrish every minute of it and learn from bad times!

  11. I LOVE mustard on my French fries - my whole family thinks I am crazy. Nice to know there are more of us out there.

    PS The surreal-ness of mother and wife-hood has not gone away for me yet and my oldest biological child is 10!


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