
Thursday, May 3, 2012

fill in the blank friday.

Happy Friday lovelies!
Hope you enjoy this week's blanks!

1.  My bedtime routine includes,   putting Fern to sleep, then watching TV/blogging for a bit, then PJ's, then teeth brushing, then checking on social media (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter & Pinterest) while lying in bed. The end    .

2.   I am   super emo lately. I think it has to do with the lack of sleep. I keep telling myself it'll pass    .

3.  I can't stand     enchiladas       because     the sauce gags me  .

4. My idea of relaxation would be   a vanilla latte a stack of magazines, a cozy blanket, my couch and some peace and quiet .

5. If I had an extra $50, I would    go buy something pretty for myself...something I really don't need like a new throw pillow or something .

6. The best thing about a bloggy friend is    they know all the ups and downs of your day-to-day life and they're so sweet and encouraging. Also, they often turn into good real life friends (as was the case with this ladythis lady, this lady and this lady...and many others)  .

7.  A recipe I've been dying to try is   this one for Banana Coconut Beignets with Chocolate Ganache and Dulce de Leche...and by "try" I mean convince Craig to make for me :)  .

Hope you have a fun weekend!



  1. I happened to try your #5 the other day - that shit is pure therapy. It's ridiculous how happy I was, because I bought a pretty lampshade.

  2. Great idea for relaxation! Have a good weekend! :)

  3. Always love these! Praying you get some sleep and have a great weekend :)


  4. #2 - Your hormones getting back to normal play a big part in that too. Give yourself a break, every mother in the universe will understand.

    #6 - How do you acquire these friends? I have none. :o(

  5. SO excited we are REAL friends. Can't wait for our visit to Portland!! Oh the fun we will have!!! BISOUS!!!!!!!


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