
Thursday, May 3, 2012

farm fresh goodness.

Ever since I got pregnant 
we've changed the way we buy food.

We used to simply buy whatever was cheapest and almost NEVER bought organic.  But, pregnancy was a chance to turn over a new leaf.  I still don't buy all of our fruits and vegetables in organic form, but I am definitely very conscious of the animal products we eat.  We eat meat, eggs and dairy and I like to make sure that these items are hormone free, local and organic whenever possible.  It's a bit more expensive to eat this way, but I make up for it by buying very little processed food (those foods are the most expensive anyway!).

Recently I joined a buying club 
through Afton Field Farm in nearby Corvallis
and I'm super excited about it!

Here are the eggs I got from my most recent pick-up.
Aren't they pretty?  I'm kind of obsessed with their packaging/branding as well.
Plus, they're delicious.

If you live in the Portland are and are looking to eat more locally you should definitely check out Afton Field Farm's CSA and Buying Club.

If you're a Portlander you may have even already enjoyed some of their farm fresh offerings while dining at Clyde Common, Ned Ludd, Laurelhurst Market and many others amazing restaurants.

Happy local eating!



  1. We used to get a veggie box from Riverford which is a organic project here in Bedford :) The main issue with it was that we never knew what we would get from one week to the next and I'm a bit of a safe eater when it comes to veggie and stick with the ones I like lol.

    It tends to be more expensive that way (is it just a UK thing?) and so we had to give it up because it just wasn't cost effective for us.

  2. Those eggs are beautiful! I've become a huge fan of organic and locally grown foods. Now only are they so much better for you, but you can taste the difference.

  3. It's so great that your posted this! I'm incredibly passionate about local, sustainable and organic food and am obtaining my Masters in Food Studies because of this. There's so many benefits to consciously eating- the environment, your health, world hunger.

    Thanks for giving us foodies a good name! ;)

  4. I'm trying to buy more organic/healthy/local as well. A Whole Foods just opened yesterday about 10 miles down the road (I wish I lived closer, I hate driving sometimes! Not only because of the environment but because of the traffic!) and I'm obsessed.

    Well, I was obsessed with Whole Foods before. But now that one is closer I'm even more in love! The trick with them, like any other retailer, is to stick to the outer perimeter of the store. All the packaged goods are on the inner aisles!


  5. I love shopping local!!! I am definitely going to be looking for more local shops this summer! :)

  6. Do they have someone truck the stuff up to Portland or do you actually have to drive all the way to Corvallis? I have been wanting to sign up for something like this for a while. There was one for just fruits and veggies through Columbia when I worked there, but it seemed so expensive.

  7. Ooo, thanks for this! Farm Fresh Local Eggs are my favorite and I haven't heard of Afton Field before-I agree, LOVE their packaging!

  8. I'm obsessed with organic everything - it makes my grocery bill way too high. I've been wanting to join a CSA, because I would much rather support local farmers than Fred Meyer with my grocery money. They've always seemed so expensive, but the one you linked to is only $42 a week, which isn't bad!

  9. it' funny how having a baby makes you change more than you ever thought. EVERYTHING you do changes. we become way more aware of these things like using organic, hormone free, etc..

  10. Nice -- good for you!!

    We buy a lot of local, organic when possible. Because we buy so little processed foods, I really think it's worth it -- especially for our long-term health.

    I LOVELOVELOVE heading to the farmer's market every saturday morning, it's amazing how much more DELISH real, natural, local, fresh food really is.

    Cheers to healthy, wealthy and wise!


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