
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

a disney world recap.

Consider this your fair warning: this is going to be the longest, most picturey blog post in the history of all blog posts, but I figured you might indulge me since it was my first time going to Disney World and all...and it was with a cute toddler...and I got a new camera that can actually take more than two photos at a time without my memory filling up and having to delete things (Totally infuriating by the way - always spring for the iPhone with more memory people. Always.).

So, this is a little recap of our trip to Disney World for the Hanes Comfort Summit last week.

This is where we stayed: Disney's Boardwalk Inn. It was amazing and wonderful and Disney has basically ruined me for all other hotels for the rest of my life.

We were greeted with towels in the shape of Mickey, because obviously...

And Hanes left us the sweetest gift bag. Fern was beyond thrilled with the Minnie doll and this was her first experience with a balloon. Let's just say she would like us to decorate our house in nothing but balloons from here on out.

Oh yeah...and the hotel pool? There were spray elephants and a water slide where you come out of a clown's mouth. Yep. That happened.

Our first day there, we went to Magic Kingdom. By the way...these are my parents Ana Marie and Jeff (AKA Grammy and Grandpa) - you'll be seeing a lot of them for the duration of this blog post because they are wonderful and helped make our trip so much fun.

You might note that Fern looks particularly pissed off in all of these photos, it's because Florida decided that it wanted to be elevendy billion degrees and humid like the Amazon rainforest that day. Apparently the natives thought the weather was lovely, but we are so not natives. Oregonians don't do heat.

We arrived just in time for the parade. Oh Prince Charming (are all the princes named "Prince Charming"?)!

Fern was into that. Plus she had the best seat in the house so who could complain about that?

Then there were the obligatory posey castle photos. Yet again, Fern is positively thrilled.

Small World cheered her up. We love a good air conditioned ride - especially when it's paired with singing multicultural animatronic people. A win in my book for sure.

Basically it was too freaking hot for much else so we came back later in the evening and stayed until 1:00 AM and Fern rallied like a champ.

The following day I had some scheduled Hanes sessions - learning about the brand, styling sessions and the like, so Fern and my parents hung out at the pool until the evening when we all went to Epcot for a special dinner that Hanes put on for us in the Canada area.

The food was delicious and there were a ton of fun activities for the kids: balloon art, caricatures, and face painting! We partook in them all!

Then we headed to our front row spot for the firework show right on the water while we ate Mickey Mouse shaped ice cream sandwiches. Is this real life? So cool.

The next day while I was in sessions, Fern and my parents went to Animal Kingdom and then in the afternoon my mom and I had a little mother/daughter date to Epcot.

The evening was spent at Fort Wilderness for a special dinner on the beach.

I had never been on a white sand beach. The beaches in Oregon have wet, dark colored sand. This was lovely and Fern had the best time toddling around in it.

We had some wonderful meal time entertainment.

But the best part of the evening was when Pirate Mickey & Minnie showed up and Fern was beyond thrilled to meet them.

After dinner we got to take an after hours ride on the Rockin' Roller Coaster and Toy Story.

I think Toy Story is my new favorite ride. Definitely fun for both kids and adults and a great ride to end the trip with a bang.

And there you have it! Our first trip to Disney World (a first for all of us - and we have the 1st timer buttons to prove it). Thanks for indulging me and my photo dump.

Also - a big thank you to Hanes for making our time so much fun! In addition to all the fun, I learned a ton about the Hanes brand and about all of their cool products and campaigns (Hanes isn't just plain white tees and granny panties anymore!) and I can't wait to share these things with you throughout the year!

Happy Wednesday friends!



  1. Awesome post. Glad you all had such a great time. I love the photos!

  2. You guys look adorable in the heat! I love your sunnies in the pic of you and Fern by the pool, where are they from?

  3. This is the best post. I especially love Fern's "not impressed" face! I've been to DW and I loveeeeeed it! That was like 15 years ago though. We're hoping to go to either Disney Land or World (which did you like better?!)for our honeymoon, and Olivia is coming with us. Glad you guys had a good time. xo

  4. Great post and cute baby clothes (as always!). I hope to take our two-year-old to Disney someday!

  5. Thanks so much for sharing your vacation photos! I was a spoiled child and got to go to WDW a lot, I even went there for my honeymoon. Seeing your photos makes me want to go back ... like, now. ;) I have a 6 month old daughter now who loooooves Mickey. My husband and I cannot wait to take her for her "First Timer" button someday.

    PS - I love your retro WDW tank, where is it from?

  6. glad it was a fun trip! Loved the photos!! :)

  7. We went in December... DECEMBER and we melted. I cannot imagine the heat and humidity in MAY. YOu deserve an award. Fern's rosy hot cheeks are so cute though! Ozzie has them and the curls to prove it was unbearable! Yes, we Oregonians are not built for that kind of weather!

  8. 1. Love grumpy Fern. 2. Your dad looks really cute in a fedora. 3. You look even cuter in the maxi striped skirt. 4. I'm so happy and proud of you and think you're totally deserving of the Hanes gig. 5. You're a great writer, keep it up friend. 6. I miss your face

  9. Nice Pictures..hope you had a great fun with your family!


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