
Sunday, July 21, 2013

barre3 fitness update: week 2.

So here is my Barre3 fitness update for week 2...

But before I share, I was wondering what you guys might think of having a link-up for these weekly updates? A lot of you expressed that you are in a similar boat of trying to get in shape and many people mentioned that they would join in on my challenge with me, so I thought I'd throw it out there. Maybe we could all share our weekly stats and photos...or just write about how it's going...whatever works. I've been weighing and measuring every Friday and then posting the results every Monday. How does that sound? If you guys are interested let me know and I can add a link, otherwise I'll just leave it as-is. Let me know in the comments!

Anyway...on with the update:

I made sure to wear a tighter shirt so you can get a good look at my "problem areas". And not to get all nit-picky about it or anything, but I'm going to point them out to you, so you can kind of get an idea of my goals during my fitness challenge with Barre3.

Here's a front to back view (note to self: don't stand like a weirdo in next week's photo).

My body is "apple" shaped, so I carry most of my weight in the top half of my body. Even before I had a baby my tummy was always my main issue. It's the first place I gain weight and even when I was in stellar shape it was never completely flat. I have come to accept that, but would like to get my abdominal muscles back in shape again...they get pretty lazy after stretching out to make room for a baby. I also would like to tone up my arms and back. I've always had a broader back (makes dress shopping a pain since I'm always a size bigger up top and smaller on the bottom) and I would like to see that toned up as well as those pesky areas around the arm pits as you can see in both the front and back view pictures.

Here are my side-view pictures:

In this shot you can see my lazy abs letting me stick out my tummy a'la month five of pregnancy. Not cool abs. Not cool. I remember when my belly started poking out like this when I was five months pregnant and I thought it was super cute and exciting...a little less exciting when you have an 18-month-old though and aren't pregnant. Also...I've got that mom underarm jiggle going on. You would think carrying around a 26 pound child all the time would give you ripped arms, but alas. I can definitely already feel improvements in my arms though and they were smaller when I was measured this week! As for my legs...I'm cool with them. They've always been pretty svelte and toned so no complaints there. I wouldn't be upset if the slight inner thigh jiggle went away though - the were a little smaller this week too! Yay! My hard work in the Barre3 studio is working!

Here are my stats:

Date: 7/19/13

Weight: 149.4 - (down 2.1 lbs)
Left arm: 11.75" - (down .25")
Right arm: 11.75" (same)
Chest: 36" (same)
Waist: 36" (same)
Hip: 37" (same)
Left leg: 19.75" (down .25")
Right leg: 19.33" (down .17")

Overall I am LOVING my Barre3 experience and I can definitely feel small changes in my body already. Craig actually commented on how good my legs were looking too, so there's that.

Anyway, let me know in the comments if you're interested in joining in and if you want to try out Barre3 too, they have studios all over and also an online program that is super inexpensive and perfect if you're a busy person. Definitely worth a look!

Also, thank you all for your encouraging words from last week! It was scary putting myself out there, but you guys were wonderful, so thank you!

Love and fitness,


{Disclosure: I was not compensated for this post. I have been invited to try out the Barre3 studio. All thoughts and opinions are my own.}


  1. Good job, looking great! I love tracking inches and not just pounds. I am also on a little "lose the jiggle" plan, same darn apple shape... :)

  2. you honestly look great! I don't see why you would even have to work out and loose any weight or anything. but good luck n your endevours!

  3. Well done! I think we are body twins! I got 4 barre3 workouts in this week, and a bunch of walking. I am trying not to weigh myself for another week but I hope something changes! :)

  4. I think a weekly link-up would be great. Although I'll be a week behind you, I think it would kind of help keep my accountable! P.S. I just sent you over an email! xo

  5. I have the same shape AND super broad shoulders...I've literally ripped dressed in half down the back by bending over. sad face.

  6. Yes. Absolutely. Just joined my gym here, and trying to reduce my carb intake to lose the pounds.

  7. Do you go to a studio for the barre3 stuff, or do you do it at home? I'd love to do this. I've been getting into doing yoga a few times a week and I'm really seeing a difference it makes. Perhaps taking measurements would entice me to stop eating late at night.

  8. An online program? I may need to check that out.

    P.S. I'm giving away 8 sponsor spots today, I would love for you to come and enter!

  9. Looking good! I SO hear you on the underarm jiggle. My boy's only 16 pounds and I thought for sure I'd see some toning from luging him around :) Maybe when he weighs 26 pounds.

    Keep it up, mama!


Comments make me happy and I adore each and every one you leave. I try to respond to comments when I can...which isn't always. BUT, if you have something you'd really like me to respond to, feel free to e-mail me and I promise I'll respond ♥.