
Monday, June 17, 2013

sometimes you just feel like quitting.

You know those days when you just feel like quitting?

Like the whole world is falling in around you and like all of the balls you've been so carefully balancing and juggling have become too much.

That's how I'm feeling right now.

To be honest I just kind of want to crawl in a hole and hide from the world. There are people and commitments pulling me in a million directions. A husband who needs my time and effort...a daughter who needs EVERYTHING and needs it RIGHT now...friends and family who would like to spend time together too...deadlines...traffic goals...quotas...e-mails/comments to respond to...appointments to make...meals to plan...laundry to do...things to organize...errands to run...

It's just too much.

Tonight while I was simultaneously doing dishes and cooking dinner and Fern was pulling on my legs wailing for my attention, I had a bit of a break down. I was so overwhelmed that I didn't know what else to do but to sit down and cry.

So I did.

Then Fern stopped crying, looked at me with concern and came over to give me a big hug around the neck which made me feel a little better.

I felt bad for crying like that in front of her, but that's just reality I guess. Some days are going to be sad and overwhelming and some days Mommy's not always going to have it together at all...

...Days like today.

Sorry for being a downer, but that's all I've got. Needed a bit of a cathartic vent.

Crappy todays and better tomorrows,



  1. I hope you are feeling better today!

  2. Aw, we do all feel that way at times. So cute that she gave you a hug.

  3. I can totally relate I too had a crappy (start) of the day. Luckily, I too have a sidekick that while I usually fix her she's quick to fix me too. The love of a 15 month old! Who knew?! ;) hope today is way better for you!

  4. *hugs* You'll get through it. And vent away, we all need to sometimes.

  5. you need a mommy/wife break! just one day off to do whatever you want : )

  6. I SO hear you! Praying today is a better day!

  7. I have those days more than I would care to admit, where the little things just pile up until they become unbearable. Just know that while it is hard, you are doing a great job, and you deserve a break!

    And by the way, Fern hugging you is the sweetest thing in the world. What a wonderful girl.

  8. So sorry girl! I'm amazed with how much you do accomplish! Sorry it finally caught up with you... But at least you can accept it & move forward. Sending a huge hug your way xoxo

  9. Hope that your days ahead are better! <3

  10. Oh honey.
    I've been known to break down in either sobs or fits of screaming.
    Addie has been my blessing and savior on so many occasions. She steps in and saves me from myself. I feel terrible that she picks up where I lose it, but she loves doing it and it makes my heart swell.
    You're not alone.
    It happens so much more than others admit.

  11. Not sure if my super long touchy feely comment went through, but I just want to make sure you hear "you are so not alone and we've all been there."
    Especially me.
    Like, daily.


Comments make me happy and I adore each and every one you leave. I try to respond to comments when I can...which isn't always. BUT, if you have something you'd really like me to respond to, feel free to e-mail me and I promise I'll respond ♥.