
Monday, June 24, 2013

not yoga pants: LBD edition.

OK...first of all...many of you have asked for more mama style posts and I have decided that I am going to try my hardest to oblige. I think it will be a good excuse for me to get dolled up at least once a week. 

Mostly these outfit posts will be every day style - nothing over the top and glammy, but occasionally (like today) I'll share outfits from a special event I might attend. The overall goal is to share style that is attainable, affordable and practical for moms and non-moms alike. 

I'm calling it "Not Yoga Pants" (you can read why here) because yoga pants are such a trap that too many women fall into...I should know...I live in Oregon... quite possibly the yoga pants capitol of the world. I realize that comfort is key, but it is possible to balance comfort and style and I hope to encourage you to push yourself in this department.

I was also wondering if this might make for a good link-up? What do you think? I was thinking Monday would be a good day, so you'd have the whole weekend to prep your blog posts and because weekends tend to provide the most excuses for getting dressed in fun outfits - especially for those of you with a 9-5 work uniform.

So, Monday "Not Yoga Pants" style link-up it is and I included one today in case you have a post you want to share! on with this week's outfit...


It's like some law of the universe that invariably, when you have a wedding to attend, the most appealing thing in your closet to wear will be white. It's science.

That rule about not being able to wear white to a wedding is kind of stupid if you ask me. It's not like anyone is going to confuse my white, cotton sundress with the bride's gorgeous, white, lace ballgown. But I digress...

I had a wedding to go to this past weekend and of course I wanted to wear white, because...hello...universe...

But, instead I wore black. Because apparently if you look in my closet, you'll quickly realize that it's my most favorite color in the history of ever. Really I do like color, but you just can't go wrong with a LBD.

Also, the last time I wore this dress and photographed it was when I was 25 weeks pregnant. At least we know it's a comfy one.

dress: gift from a friend
belt: F21
bracelet: Beam & Anchor
ring: F21
hair clip: Goody gold bobby pins stacked

Style and Comfort,



  1. Love this link-up and I love your outfit! You really can't go wrong with a LBD :) Also, I am moving to Portland from Tahoe next month, so I look forward to reading your blog more in the future! :)

  2. I love it and...I need to join you in this...haha!

  3. That dress is SO cute, and I adore how you did your hair. Very glam!

    I'm going to a wedding next month and had to splurge on ANOTHER new dress. It was that or wear my fav white one and, well, ya know how that goes ;-)

  4. gorgeous!! your hair looks amazing, it's so shiny and healthy looking! and I love that lipstick!

  5. Your hair! I'm a little (lot) jealous.

  6. You always look so good, even when you're dressing for comfort!! I can't wait to see your weekly posts!! I'm in desperate need for post baby wardrobe inspiration and motivation! :)
    Melissa @ Fawn Over Baby

  7. LOVE this dress! It's so cute!


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