
Monday, June 10, 2013


Guess what?

I'll be launching my new blog very soon! And by new, I mean the same, but redesigned and at a .com on Wordpress. I'm super excited to have a fresh look for this blog!

But along with this new look, I would love to be sharing fresh new content with you guys as well. For awhile I've been slacking a bit, because I was feeling a bit uninspired with this space, but the new look is making me feel reenergized and excited to breathe new life back into this blog.

This is where YOU come in! I would love to get your feedback...

I want to know...

What would you like to see more of here at The Little Things We Do?

I'm planning to have more consistent "What Fern Wore" style posts as well as continuing my "Friday Finds" posts where I share my favorite links from the week.

What else would you like to see though?

I'm considering doing more video blogs (like the "Mom Tip of the Week" videos I do for Babble), but I'm not sure that's something you guys would be into.

Any other ideas?

I'll still be sharing the day to day stuff as well, but if there's anything specific, just let me know. The feedback would be super helpful.

Thanks friends! Happy Monday!

Love and questions,



  1. Hello! I'd definitely be interesting in seeing more vlogs and also articles or vlogs on your own style and beauty tips as a new mom/young mom. More information on Portland could be fun as well - your fav restaurants and sites. Also more on activities you do with your daughter to keep her entertained (both indoors and out).

    Vanessa from

  2. You should also do a What Momma Wore opposite the What Fern Wore posts! Like, Momma Style!

  3. Looking forward to seeing the new site! I've been debating the switch to wordpress myself.

  4. I like your posts when you feature a restaurant or shop in Portland.

  5. I started following you a few years ago, and I am so happy that you have Fern and that she inspires you, but I connect better when you talk about things that you find new, exciting, or darling. I mean, I think that's how you see your little girl, but I would love to see you write more about the other things that you enjoy. I'm not at a time of life where I'm into baby blogs, but If you're taking your blog in a new direction, then by all means do it. You can't please everyone. :) But I think it's great that you asked for input.

  6. I love all of Fern's outfits, do you have any tips that you could share for dressing a baby/toddler on a budget? Great resources that I may be overlooking?

    I also don't want to spend a fortune on toys, I have an Eartly Childhood Ed background and I know a little about Montessori and sensory activities, but would love to know more. Like are there everyday household items that my baby might like to play and explore with that I am just not thinking about? I'm not looking to whittle my own set of Lincoln Logs or anything, but want to feel better equipped to help my daughter learn and grow by exploring the things around her. Make sense?

  7. More you style photos! Cuz you're cute too!

  8. I like what Fern wore, I like the videos, and I think I'd like to see more of styling. Writing about what you like, books you recommend, tips you may find relevant in terms of childrearing, like stuff to do with kids, educational stuff too. I have some input of my own, of course, but I like to read about other people's experiences to learn about their options. :)


Comments make me happy and I adore each and every one you leave. I try to respond to comments when I can...which isn't always. BUT, if you have something you'd really like me to respond to, feel free to e-mail me and I promise I'll respond ♥.